Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino shared a new video advertisement for the X platform Thursday. As dull as it is, it hits all the points she and her boss Elon Musk have been proclaiming about their supposed “everything app,” including video calls, payments, and creator subscriptions. At the same time, users spotted some rather critical tweets hidden among the fast-scrolling messaging. Molly White, of Web3isGoingJustGreat fame, shared how some of the posts referred to the enshittification of Twitter since billionaire Musk’s tenure began last October.

One of the posts enshrined in the ad reads “the timeline algo is dying fr it’s becoming mediocre engagement maxxed [sic] on low effort report accounts and dating discourse.” Another tweet promoted by the video refers to Musk’s recent attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, and how he’s platformed major anti-Semitic figures. That tweet reads “Twitter’s value has fallen by at least 50%, and Elon is blaming it all on the Jews. Masterful gambit sir.”

    1 year ago

    I have a hard time believing anything from that far-right nazi sympathizing website. So much so that I have a feeling this is just more “any news is good news” mentality mango started. I think Muskrat likes attention more than mango and that is quite the bar he set

      1 year ago

      I was initially going to give him the benefit of the doubt on Twitter, but it was either something before (I can’t recall), or it was definitely at least when he was spreading the conspiracy about Nancy Pelosi’s husband that confirmed it was all bollocks and not to trust anything about the state of twitter or his intentions for it. He lost 100% of any good faith once he did that.

      1 year ago

      I honestly think less of anyone still using it, including most of my coworkers and many people on the left that I otherwise respect. It’s literally the largest nazi propaganda site on the internet right now.