Mousa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau said in an October 27, 2023 interview that aired on Russia Today TV that the tunnels in Gaza were built to protect Hams fighters from airstrikes, not civilians. He added that Hamas fights Israel from within the tunnels. Abu Marzouq added that since 75% of the residents in the Gaza Strip are refugees, it is the responsibility of the United Nations to protect them. He added that according to the Geneva Conventions, it is the responsibility of the “occupation” to provide civilians in Gaza “will all the services,” as long as they are under occupation.

Interviewer: “Many people are asking: Since you have built 500 kilometers of tunnels, why haven’t you built bomb shelters, where civilians can hide during bombardment?”

Mousa Abu Marzouk: “We have built the tunnels because we have no other way of protecting ourselves from being targeted and killed. These tunnels are meant to protect us from the airplanes. We are fighting from inside the tunnels. Everybody knows that 75% of the people in the Gaza Strip are refugees, and it is the responsibility of the United Nations to protect them. According to the Geneva Convention, it is the responsibility of the occupation to provide them with all the services as long as they are under occupation.”

    11 months ago

    The nerve of this guy building tunnels under hospitals mosques and unwra facilities, violating every known act of war with the 7.10 massacre and then quoting international law.

    Probably having expectations from a terrorist is the culprit, but how are so many people blind to this? How can anyone support them? This is not resistance to occupation, this is plain and simple jihad.

        11 months ago

        “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”

        Hamas charter, article 7

        Jihad - as in call for religious war, unrelated to any land conflict.

    11 months ago

    Hamas, lest anyone forget, is the elected government in Gaza, there has never been an uprising in Gaza, not because “Palestinians” are afraid of violence, but because Hamas is who “Palestinians” are, “Palestinians” are also the PLO, PIJ, Hezbollah, and a dozen other Antisemitic Mulsim Terrorist groups, The “Palestinians” have never attacked Hamas, but somehow find the courage to attacks Jews in Israel. The “Palestinian” community is of one mind, voice, and they act as one. But, I’m being told the poor poor “Palestianian” cinnamon rolls never did nothin wrong, never hurt nobody, are being abused by the bad bad Jews, that they’re being “genocided” while over the last 70 years their numbers have swelled a hundred fold.

      11 months ago

      From what I understand by previous posts of you @downpunxx, you have friends in Israel and are personally affected because of this. So please don’t consider this as some kind of diss, it is my honest opinion:

      There is NO shame in seeking help in a hospital, because of this extreme emotional stress. I can only tell you about the way it would work in my country, Germany:

      You can ALWAYS go to the emergency room of a hospital with a psychiatric ward. They WILL help you there.

      The beforementioned is of course also true for people that have friends/family in Gaza and have extreme anxiety at the moment.

    11 months ago

    Am I suppose to blame them for the civilian deaths and not the ones dropping bombs on hospitals, refugee camps and escape routes?