• vehicom@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Just finished finals, will have to wait to see how I did but I’m pretty proud of how it went.

  • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I can’t believe i didn’t know this before.

    If you are cooking scrambled eggs, you must add either butter/cream/yoghurt when you are beating them or it will end up dry af. With greek yoghurt it tastes great, creamy texture and its even higher on protein.

    For example 3 eggs and a spoon of yoghurt.

  • Catfish [she/her]@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I got a dope as hell tattoo of a very cool and sweet Chilean riot dog a couple days ago! It’s my first tattoo and it is very itchy. I am very paranoid about taking care of it right now, I can’t wait for this phase to pass. :)

  • threebody [he/him]@hexbear.net
    7 months ago

    This is gonna sound ridiculous but idc

    So I am a bisexual male who is more attracted to women in general. As any communist should, I recognized how reactionary male heterosexuality, especially in a patriarchal society is. But I didnt know shit as a kid so back then I would get off to whatever porn and I really think that screwed up my brain and made it a daily compulsion. Now thankfully I never got into anything extremely fucked up, just “vanilla” by societal standards(in a society that is heavily misogynistic). How do you cure this? Like it genuinely scares me even though I am now able to recognize it all as removed, I lose that ability when I masturbate. So that means theres a possibility those disgusting desires can overpower my rationality at certain times and cause me to harm other people. That hasnt occured yet fortunately, but what if it does? I really want to completely kill it, not just suppress it.

    • porcupine@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      This is either a bit, or you’re suffering from mental illness. Please talk to other queer people in real life before making up wild proclamations about the essential moral character of sexuality, but don’t do that before talking to a therapist and working out your personal issues. Your self-hatred isn’t politics.

        • porcupine@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          the idea that your sexual attraction to women makes you inherently misogynistic isn’t a position that you picked up from any actually existing communist party or Marxist writer. I don’t believe it’s an idea you picked up from any living human outside your own head. On the vanishingly small chance that this isn’t a bit, I sincerely urge you to work through your self-hatred before pursuing any real life relationship with someone of any gender that you’re either not genuinely attracted to, or that you feel ashamed of your attraction to.

          • threebody [he/him]@hexbear.net
            7 months ago

            Marxism informs us that women are sexually exploited under patriarchal society. The dominant forms of male heterosexuality is latently misogynistic. Im sure that there are people who are sexually attracted to woman who arent misogynistic, but in my case I genuinely believe that my sexual attraction to woman contains latent misogyny, and that must be fixed. Its impossible to eradicate it for good, but its current existence is enough to unsettle me. Just like how it is a common phenomenon within humans to think about jumping off when next to a cliff, there are people for whom that thought rarely pops up and doesnt affect them, and people like me for whom that thought frequently pops up and makes me scared of heights.

            • porcupine@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              Confronting your own internalized misogyny would be commendable if that’s what you were doing. Blaming your internalized misogyny on an involuntary biological sexual response is not. Claiming that you can change your own sexual attraction but are somehow powerless over your own negative thoughts and actions toward women suggests a reactionary worldview that just straight up doesn’t exist outside of religious bigotry. You did not arrive at this conclusion from reading Marx. Nobody else in history reached that conclusion from reading Marx, and you aren’t somehow the first to divine it. You could only have arrived at this conclusion through adopting it in the only place it actually exists in the world (religious fundamentalism) and substituting terms in a way that you found aesthetically palatable.

              You’ve claimed in this thread that you believe you can choose to force yourself to be sexually attracted to men against your own will as a political act of defiance against internalized feelings of misogyny. Find me a single actually existing communist party or political grouping of queer people outside of fringe religious cases that take this position.

              This claim does nothing to address the root of your misogyny (your own beliefs and actions toward women) and instead adopts the extremely homophobic idea that queer people have been fighting against for longer than you’ve been alive: that they’re simply choosing to be queer, and that they could just as easily choose not to be if they wanted to badly enough.

              If this is just a bizarre expression of you discovering a genuine attraction to men and struggling with reconciling your bisexuality with your sense of self then I wish you the best in working through it. If you think you can just adopt a marginalized identity without authentically feeling that way to avoid having to do the work of decoupling your misogyny from your attraction to women, then I again urge you to please talk to a mental health professional in real life about this. It doesn’t do you or any potential partners any favors to be carrying around this sense of shame and resentment or to fake an attraction that you don’t feel. Both are extremely shitty things to put on another person.

    • threebody [he/him]@hexbear.net
      7 months ago

      and surely there is a way, I dont believe the sexuality is not a choice shit, if I wasnt a communist theres no way I would have sex with a man. So there is surely some other way to get rid of heterosexuality?

      • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        So I read your first comment above and then I read this and I got a bit lost. Is your problem that you have heterosexual tendencies and that you think that’s wrong? Are you bisexual because you’re communist?

        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          I think they might be assuming that all masculinity is toxic masculinity, or their tastes aren’t as “vanilla” as they claimed in their original statement and they’re projecting their own personal demons onto everyone else.

        • threebody [he/him]@hexbear.net
          7 months ago

          I mean, if I was not a communist I would not have been able to deconstruct my latent homophobia, and as a result not have been attracted by men, but there is no direct connection there

      • You don’t believe that sexuality isn’t a choice, meaning you believe that it is a choice? It’s definitely not. And there’s no reason a communist can’t be heterosexual; that just means that you haven’t been – or at least aren’t aware of ever having been – attracted to someone of your gender (yet; you can’t be sure that it’ll never happen or that it hasn’t happened without your knowledge)

        • threebody [he/him]@hexbear.net
          7 months ago

          the idea that sexuality is not a choice is a liberal copout that refuses to confront the very real sexual exploitation that our entire society is based on. in that case, are the millions of men whose sexuality literally involves violence towards women and queer people justified? There is clearly culpability. how could anyone be liberated if sexuality is thought of as something outside of the individual’s control.

          • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            Sexuality is not sex. People that are violent towards others in a sexual way do so without consent. You can be hetero and violent, gay and violent, pan and violent, etc. You having violent sexual fantasies is not linked with your sexuality, which is something that you cannot choose. Yes, our patriarchic society is in many ways sexually exploitative towards women and other minorities, but that does not mean being heterosexual is a bad thing. Also, there is no marxist view that says you cannot be heterosexual. That would be an extremely weird ideology.

            • threebody [he/him]@hexbear.net
              7 months ago

              Im not saying you cannot be heterosexual. I also dont have any violent sexual fantasies. Marxism also tells us higher education is heavily bourgeois and serves to maintain capitalism and exploit workers. Does that make education bad inherently? Of course not, but if you are going to university and dont actively fight bourgeois ideology you will quickly become a servant of the bourgeoisis. The same logic applies to sex.

              • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
                7 months ago

                Please talk to a professional about whatever issues you are experiencing with your sexuality. It seems like you got quite a few things mixed up here and I don’t think Lemmygrad is the right place for you to work those things out.

      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        I think it is just as impossible to “get rid of heterosexuality” as it is to get rid of non-heterosexuality.

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I got a cold I think, which sucks.

    Also, I’m getting increasingly done with the football (soccer) world in The Netherlands. One of the players of the women national team said she’d love to be a manager in men football and some talking heads are saying that it would be ridiculous to have a female coach at a male team. Like, Sarina Wiegman won two European Championships and two second places are the World Cup. Surely she can be a better manager than many male trainers. The football world is sick.

  • Absolute@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Stomach has been upset af for nearly a week now, was hoping it was just something I ate but at this point I’m annoyed it hasnt gone back to normal. Could be stress and too much caffeine maybe, hopefully if I take it nice and easy this weekend I can avoid having to actually figure out whats wrong

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    About one hour ago I finished reading an article titled ‘Is it ‘anti-Semitic’ to acknowledge that Arabs are Semites too?’. It mostly quibbles over how misleading terms like ‘antisemitism’ are, but it gave me some food for thought on something that the author had the opportunity to address but managed to miss.

    Anti‐Arab and anti‐Jewish sentiments overlap in numerous ways. There are not only some similar stereotypes—that they’re unfair merchants interested in world domination—but fervent Judeophobes also tend to hate Arabs, often seeing them (and other races) as ‘pawns’ in Jewish plans. Admittedly, it is unlikely that anybody would mistake Ashkenazim for Arabs, but it is very tempting to think of anti‐Arab racism as not only an Arab but also a Jewish concern, because often such attackers are just as willing to target Jews as well; Judeophobia is not far off.

    I am planning to read The Arab and Jewish questions: geographies of engagement in Palestine and beyond, because I have a feeling that I may be onto something here, but presently it sounds like I’m grasping at straws. I have a lot to think about; maybe these two prejudices are more closely related than they look.