is this just atrocity propaganda, or was stalin actually a mass murderer? deleting someone from a photograph is not a good sign.

      2 years ago

      Holy shit yezhov was added.

      I’ve been saying for some time now, as somewhat of a thought experiment, that we couldn’t prove he wasn’t added in. Nobody has ever offered me evidence to show he was edited out, so it was just as likely he was added in.

      But looking at the picture on my phone and zooming in, really focusing, I now believe this conclusion.

      He is sandwiched between Stalin and the short wall, literally he would be compressed against it were he actually there. There is no space for him to be standing there. And he doesn’t look like he’s actually there, he’s just looking into the distance while Stalin is giving an actual look at the camera, acknowledging it, while the others are looking at the newly built canal. What would yezhov even be doing there?

          2 years ago

          Could be explained in many ways, the easiest would be whoever scanned the photos into a digital format reworked them… add some exposure on the “after” picture and make the Soviets look scary lol. Or anyone after that, really.

          I also have to ask, was it necessary for the editors to bring up exposure on the original picture? Looking at other photo work it doesn’t seem like it was (Soviets were very good at it and were far from the only ones doing it).

          The overexposed picture is the only one I can find, except for that one on Radio Liberty of all places, which looks completely repainted:

          As none of the websites where I found those pictures say where they found them, who took them, who digitalised them… any guess is as good as any as to why they look different. And if we look at this crispy “before” picture, you can see weird artefacts around Yezhov, like he emits an aura:

            2 years ago

            In that last picture you see the same artefacts around Stalin as well, and around every single one of the individuals here if you look closely. Like, look at all their shoulders, they all have the same “aura”. You want to say that they were bluescreening? Make sure that you don’t see what you want to see. I can’t find a single claim that such erasures did not happen.

    2 years ago

    The Great Purge was real, but not how the west claims. At that time, the USSR was under threats from all sides. Nazi and polish intelligence had infiltrated the highest ranks of the soviet state. Same with reactionary groups, such as anticommunists, mensheviks and trotskists, who often collaborated with nazi and polish intelligence. First Sergei Kirov was murdered, which launched The Moscow Trials, which uncovered a vast network of spies and trotskists trying to destabilize the USSR. Seeing this, Stalin ordered NKVD head Nikolai Yezhov to begin purges to root out all these enemy elements. Keep in mind that the USSR was preparing for the eventual war with Nazi Germany. The problem was that Yezhov himself was a nazi and polish agent. He decided to begin mass purges, forced confessions and extrajudicial executions against innocent people in order to create popular anger against Stalin and destabilize the soviet government. This went on for about a year, until Stalin found out about this, removed Yezhov as head of the NKVD and appointed Lavrenti Beria, who prosecuted all those involved with this including Yezhov and stopped the purges. So yes many innocents were killed during The Great Purges but not on Stalins orders. Also many guilty people were killed to protect the USSR and socialism.

    To learn more on this i recommend Grover Furr’s books, he debunks many of the “stalinist crimes”. “Yezhov vs Stalin” by Grover Furr is specifically about the great purges. Then you also have “Blood Lies” and “Khrushchev Lied” also by Grover Furr, which debunk more general antistalin myths, including also the great purges but in less detail. You can download all of Grover Furrs books, including the 3 i mentioned, in ebook (epub) format for free here: