• Chaotic Entropy@feddit.uk
      6 months ago

      As if any leading presidential candidates would bat an eye at doing this and/or more. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, against all advice, and inflamed tensions even more than they were at the time.

  • cool, you’re welcome. not that we wanted to send them to you. not that anyone asked us. or has asked us, ever. it’s amazing all the bloodshed the US has enabled (or in some cases directly perpetrated) in our lifetime, ostensibly for our own benefit. but somehow it was never put up for a vote. hmm.

    if we’re sending them anywhere it should be going to Ukraine, all of it. they’re fighting a defensive war and are like the first morally acceptable use of the military industrial complex since… I dunno, ww2?

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Which is why it’s so absolutely fucked up Biden went around Congress for it, especially since Congress would have approved it anyways.

    The fact that Biden is fine doing this in the run up to 2024 and will do shit like this that risks trump winning…

    Shows that Biden is the last fucking person we want running against trump.

    I don’t even think Hillary is stupid enough to do this, and she has the absolute worst instincts regarding elections of any politician in the last 50 years