Critics say the QAnon conspiracy theorist, in the position less than a year, failed to deliver on funding promises

A group of Michigan Republicans voted on Saturday to remove Kristina Karamo as state party chair after months of infighting and slow fundraising raised concerns her leadership would hurt the party’s chances in the key swing state in 2024.

Karamo, a former community college instructor and election-denying activist who was elevated to her post in February, has indicated she would not respect Saturday’s vote, setting the stage for a potentially messy court battle over party leadership.

At a special meeting called by critics of Karamo, nearly all of the state committee members present voted to remove her from her post, according to Bree Moeggenberg, a state committee member who helped organize the meeting in Commerce Charter Township.

She has failed to deliver on that promise while angering many of her supporters with what they have called a lack of transparency from her administration. Contributions from the party’s largest donors have dried up, leading to a cash crunch.

A report released last month by Warren Carpenter, a former congressional district chair and one-time Karamo supporter, said the state party was mired in debt, on the “brink of bankruptcy” and “essentially non-functional” under her leadership.

    8 months ago

    Virtually every politician or political hopeful that is a forevertrumper is a grifter themselves, they love Trump because he’s been elected as king of the grifters, they look up to him because what bigger con is there than conning your way into the presidency.

    The great thing about all of them being grifters is that when tempted with all that money that flows through elections and parties, they can’t but funnel as much as they can from it into their own pockets, it’s pathological.

    By electing all these grifters into positions of power, the republican party is ruining its own finances.

    This while their actions through the decades has made money a direct equivalent to power.

    There may be more billionaires on their side these days, but the type of billionaires that side with them aren’t the type that’ll give their own money to the cause.

    Lets hope that them sabotaging themselves so persistently will be enough to offset how effective these grifters are in luring functionally retarded people to vote for them.

  • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
    8 months ago

    It sounds the the same way all of them lead, because leading isn’t what they want to do. They want to rule, NOT lead.

    It will be interesting to see if she follows through on her “I’m not going to step aside” talk. Also funny how the one thing they can all rally around is not respecting a vote, unless they win it.

    Edit - s/here/her

      8 months ago

      I swear, half of these people are grifters, while the other half are true believers who are incompetent or unstable enough to fall for the first half’s cons.

    8 months ago

    Unfortunately the more I learn about these Q types, the more it seems like they want to world to burn to cleanse it to their liking.

    Since that can’t really be done legally, with kindness, or humanity, they need a dictator to make these big moves and it seems she’s going to practice this for a bit.

    8 months ago

    Anybody know what kind of real impact this has on the election? Is it just raising money to use on candidates?

    8 months ago

    Karamo, an (…) election-denying activist (…) has indicated she would not respect Saturday’s vote

    Wow, surprise of the century!

    Also, the headline is misleading. They’re fine with her anti-democratic conspiracy theory bullshit, they just think she isn’t good enough at collecting legal (and probably some illegal) bribes for them.