• Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    Article de The Gazette, un site de nouvelles de torchon francophobe au même niveau que le journal de Montréal est un torchon anglophobe.

    Yves-François Blanchet n’a pas tort. Il y a un groupe de gens dans l’ouest de Montréal qui refuse obstinément de s’intégrer dans la société francophone du Québec et qui ne veut pas apprendre la langue française pour les aider à s’intégrer. C’est une obstination ancrée dans une xénophobie générationelle contre les canadiens français que plusieurs d’entre eux considèrent comme un peuple de seconde classe encore et toujours.

    Le Québec est un véritable melting pot comme il devrait supposé être. Un paquet de cultures qui s’intègrent sous une culture locale et qui y apportent chacun leurs éléments et qui développent la culture locale. Je ne verrais pas une culture québécoise sans l’intégration des haïtiens ou des vietnamiens ou de plusieurs cultures latinos par exemple. Ils se sont intégrés et font partie de la culture québécoise maintenant.

    Contrairement au multiculturalisme canadien où les différents groupes sont ghettoisés chacun dans leurs quartiers et qui ne s’intègrent pas du tout à la société.

    • tellah@sh.itjust.works
      9 months ago

      Wow what a terrible and outdated mischaracterization. You fail to understand that there is a historical anglophone community in Montreal and around Quebec that has as much a right to be here and be Quebeckers as the francophones do - given that both groups are equally descendants of colonizers from Europe anyway. So, what you regard as “integration”, we see as the erasure of our history and community.

      No one sees french Canadians as second class citizens - that is wildly out of touch. Let me give you the perspective of someone raising children in the West Island of montreal. They go to a CPE, paid for by my anglophone tax dollars as much as yours, where the educators refuse to speak English to the children because - and this is an actual real quote (translated from French) - speaking English is not a part of their collective agreement. All communication with the CPE is exclusively in french. I have a meeting with the CPE provided speech therapist, all in french of course, where she explains to me that she cannot provide speech therapy to my son because she does not understand English. They go to an English elementary school where they spend a minimum of 50% of the time in French. Some English schools are as high as 4 days French per week. I could go on and on, this shit is every day.

      And before you accuse me of being stubborn and having generational xenophobia, you should know that my father was a francophone and I have a very typical French Canadian last name. That’s probably the only reason we were able to get into our CPE in the first place, since there is absolutely no doubt that french has priority here and that anglophones are an unwanted second class.

      You can lay the blame on stubbornness and outdated stereotypes of angryphones all you want, but it’s not integration you are asking for. It’s erasure. And at the end of the day, when I say goodnight to my kids after spending all day in french, I will not be saying je t’aime, I will be saying I love you.

      • psvrh@lemmy.ca
        9 months ago

        Nursing cultural grievance is a great way to distract people while you rob them blind, which is what Quebec nationalists are doing.

        • tellah@sh.itjust.works
          9 months ago

          Exactly. Does anyone remember how our healthcare system was falling apart during and after COVID? One would think that it would be an election priority, and yet during the 2022 campaign it was all about language issues.

          The sad thing is that it was extremely effective, and people like the poster I replied to are exactly the reason. Distract people with inflammatory divisive politics, and let the real problems fester and rot.

          I do not care a bit if my doctor or my kids doctor speaks French. I just want to see a doctor.

        • setVeryLoud(true);@lemmy.caOPM
          9 months ago

          It’s happening in a lot of places, unfortunately.

          Turning people against each other or claiming that minority X is the problem while they strip their citizens of their rights and public services. Meanwhile, I can’t even get a doctor, and 811 is less than useless because the public system is fucked.

          I posted this article to point out that it’s happening here too. This isn’t even xenophobia since Quebec Anglophones have always been here in significant numbers, this is trying to push out / assimilate a people, just like the English were doing to the French when Canada was young. Let’s not repeat history.

  • Poutinetown@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    What makes Montreal special isn’t one culture and one language. It’s the mix of culture and origins: there’s a vibrant community of Italians, Haitians, Maghrebis, as well as Chinese and Vietnamese to a certain extent. I doubt we would see such heterogeneity in the rest of Quebec, and there’s a reason for that.