• Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    The upper‐class Ashkenazim were likening the Sephardim to black folk as early as the 1950s, so you can easily imagine how that ruling class mistreated Jews who were entirely people of color, such as Jewish Arabs. To this day, the neocolony continually categorizes Jews and Arabs as if they were mutually exclusive phenomena, too.

    Anti‐Jewish violence in the Arab world manifested itself quite sporadically compared to Christian Europe (even then, one should be careful comparing one region’s incidents to another’s), and by the time that the Axis rolled onto the scene, the sparse history of anti‐Jewish violence among Arabs was of very little help to the Fascist bourgeoisie. For example:

    Zionist historians exploit the fact that Haj Amin al‐Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem, helped set up the Waffen SS Muslim divisions, Handschar, Kama and the Albanian Skanderberg. However, these divisions were so reluctant to participate in anti‐Jewish actions that they were sent to France for retraining, whereupon they promptly mutinied and attempted to join the French resistance, the only known rebellion of an SS unit. The Bosnian SS units played no part in the anti‐Jewish deportations, which were left to the Croatian SS and the [German Fascists].

    The religious leaders of the Bosnian Muslims issued no less than 3 declarations condemning [Axis] collaboration against the Jews and Serbs (p. 143). Contrast this with the silence of the German Churches who, even when they did condemn the killing of innocents of another race, ‘neither the word “Jew” nor “non‐Aryan” ever crossed their lips’ (Lewy 1968: 292).

    (Emphasis added. Source.)

    This was unlike Christian Europe’s more consistent history of anti‐Jewish violence, which only made it easier for the Fascist bourgeoisie to gain recruits there.

    Added to this, Zionism is a relatively recent heresy with very little to do with Judaism. That Jewish Arabs didn’t immediately jump up to embrace it should be unsurprising.

    • There was this Algerian imam, Benghabrit, he helped 500 to 1500 jews escape vishy France, Idk much about him but he’s an example.

      Also this returns to the point of “nazi = anti-jew”, since most of the Muslims who joined the nazi divisions did it because they were colonized by the brits and French.