• brygphilomena@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Stop saying “he’ll be a martyr.”

      This gets touted any time any consequence could come to him. Saying this makes it a lose lose situation. Either we let him get away and do whatever or “he’s a martyr.” No. He reaps whatever consequences come to him for his actions. It shouldn’t come as an assassination, but he has to have some consequence for what he does.

    • Drusas@kbin.run
      2 months ago

      If only he were a martyr from this, but he survived. You have to die to be a martyr.

  • cyd@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Lots of people seem keen to jump to this being staged. That makes zero sense: Trump was already winning before this, especially with Biden (his preferred opponent) looking to hang on to the nomination.

    • droopy4096@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      conspiracy theorist in me sees several venues where it is Very beneficial to POTUS45 to stage this:

      • finally come out as victim
      • frame Biden/CIA/FBI as villains
      • come out as “defiant” hero and rally support to the point where it’s a landslide win, where he would be able to go after anybody and anything he doesn’t like.

      more wicked stuff comes to mind but I think above is sufficient . Fact that bullet grazed him and nobody around him in a tight setting is kind of strange, with his bravado on display with fist shaking. One can only dream for this election campaign video to be run on repe 24/7 on fox and other outlets, giving him more air time, and now that Biden asked everyone to read project2025 entire nation will be watching nothing but POTUS45. Still could be some morron that didn’t get his signature at the rally pulling out his Beretta…

      • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        2 months ago

        Witness statement was that another attendee was shot in the head and killed and a 2nd in the forearm and hand.

        • droopy4096@lemmy.ca
          2 months ago

          sounds like, indeed bystanders been hit according to latest information. I still believe that POTUS45 would be OK sacrificing any number of people as long as it gets him power. No evidence of his involvement but entire story “smells”

    • enbyecho@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Trump was already winning before this

      Do you just not understand how elections work? You don’t “win” before votes are cast.

  • kikutwo@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    All the mass casualty events we have to suffer and here we have a psychopath who can’t aim. Such a shame.

  • rustyfish@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Turns out, calling out for violence over and over again or continuously calling for the blood of your opponents, threatening with imprisonment and a literal dictatorship, will be answered with violence. I am sooooooo shocked!

    Get fucked. Hope the next marksman is luckier.

  • Snapz@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Trump after a shooting in Iowa that left one sixth-grader dead and six other staffers and students injured,

    “So surprising to see it here. But, we have to get over it. We have to move forward…”

    • how were the secret service not on the roofs or monitoring the roofs from aerial POV? Most obvious spot for a sniper.

    • the dude interviewed by British journalist right after that says him and group saw man with gun climbing roof, told cops and secret service and neither did anything

    • his first and only focus was his shoes?

    • a man who is a documented coward and narcissist pushed against secret service to face cameras and have his head exposed for a long period of time?

    • secret service ignores protocol to cover and remove him and let’s him vamp and pose

    • straight lines of blood on his face, history with pro wrestling

    • yes, the supposed gunman was killed, but on what day are there not thousands of trump cultists lined up and ready to die if someone tells them they are on a secret mission to help daddy?

    • yes, some in crowd may have been injured, but when has trump shown any hesitation to have pale injured or killed for his personal benefit (January 6th, church protests, etc).

    • his secret service were proven corrupt and involved in cover up measures for trump before (e.g. Deliberately erasing text messages relevant to January 6th)

    • this all happens as project 2025 narrative was taking form hold, leaked video/audio by the day and days before the RNC.

    • watch the footage, down the stairs, secret service is concerned with grabbing and carrying his special red hat? How the fuck would that ever be a concern in an actual emergency?

    • archomrade [he/him]@midwest.social
      2 months ago

      It is kinda crazy seeing this being posted in a center-left political forum

      It kinda gives credibility to the “Blue MAGA” label, how similar this behavior is to posts on r/thedonald back in 2016.

    • TheDannysaur@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      This is the dumbest shit and we need to fucking grow up a bit. These “questions” are asinine and not that hard to explain.

      1. Not denying the incident was reported, but there’s a heavy insinuation here that this was set up or manufactured. If so… They needed an entire Secret Service detail, local event police and everyone standing by to be in on it. A couple hundred people are going to be involved and no one leaks it?

      2. “Supposed” gunman. I like how you pivot from “this is probably set up” to “ok even if it was real Trump is capable of worse”

      3. Again, the insinuation of an inside job here. We’re going to involve a hundred or more people and no one thought it would be a problem to kill a bystander? Or the gunman was so good he killed a specific plant? And they had a 100% success rate… No one heard the plan and thought “oh this is a bad idea” and spoke out about it?

      4. Big difference between deleting text messages and MURDERING AN AMERICAN to further a political agenda.

      5. Yes. Things happen all the time. Trump people are saying this is to distract from Biden being inept. There’s always a convenient time.

      6. Yes you dumbshit he was concerned about his hat because they already had the all clear. The shooter got taken out in seconds. They wouldn’t have moved Trump. And they all were saying it was all clear. Also have you ever seen people in an absolute panic? Not the most rational state. Same thing with his shoes. That’s ALSO why he took the photo op. They all dove on top of him. They figured out the shooter’s location and took him down before Trump even got up.

      There’s pictures of the fucking bullet in flight. So either that was ALSO manufactured (a member of the press willingly heard the plan ahead of time and doctored a photo or they actually shot a bullet inches away from Trumps head AND captured it). But no let’s just get Trump, a bumbly ass fuck to orchestrate this perfectly. I’m sure he had it a planned to go down, and everyone covered him and he pulled out a razor blade, cut his ear, and put it away, all perfectly executed and no one caught anything on camera from any of the dozens of angles.

      This shit is so fucking stupid and I’m so sick of hearing about it. These points all rely on the most ass backwards way of thinking where dozens of people are in on this conspiracy and relies on all of them bring cool with killing someone to make it good for Trump.

      Get this shit outta here. This doesn’t deserve the pixels on the screen used to illuminate this nonsense. Be a fucking grown up. We’re going to have to figure out a real way to beat Trump, not pretend this was some false flag bullshit. Accept reality. Be a goddamn adult.

      I’m not even saying you’re wrong for questioning, but I am saying you are wrong because the sheer volume of things that would need to occur for this theory to be even remotely possible is so ridiculous, I would consider aliens an equally plausible situation.

      • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Could chalk it up to just a bunch of RWA (right wing authoritarians) being scared of how Daddy might react to being told no.

  • cyd@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Okay, this settles it: Biden is gonna be the nominee. Nobody else on the Dem side is gonna want to be the sacrificial lamb going up against Trump after today.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    2 months ago

    Trump’s statement on Truth Social:


    “I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!”

    • Sanctus@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      It just feels wrong coming from the person who enacted Jan 6th. He caused something just like this and someone died.

    • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country.

      Is it though? There have already been 290 mass shootings in this country this year, so far. And this shooting does not even count among them.

        • noisefree@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          It depends on where you draw the line for “attempt” - the Secret Service isn’t an exactly candid organization (to put it lightly) and the media/public doesn’t spend much time focusing on the foiled plots they do learn about (insert your opinion as to the “why?” here). My own assumption is that the threat vectors against those that are granted Secret Service protection are probably numerous and coming from many different directions.

        • grue@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          No it isn’t. Trump is a candidate, not a sitting President, so it doesn’t count.

          All this shit happening is bad enough; can we at least not prematurely crown him?!

            • grue@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              “Afforded protections” is one thing, but that’s not the point. The point is that I refuse to let this count as a “Presidential assassination attempt” because he isn’t the goddamn President right now; Biden is. And you shouldn’t count it as such either – the only ones who would are MAGA election-denier shitheads.

    • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      You’re only allowed to be violent if you’re a right winger. If you’re a leftie, the voting booths and protest signs are over there.

      Good luck.

  • Cam@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    A lot of deep haters here in the comments. Trump derangement syndrome is live and well in many coddled minds. I was a Trump fan back then but I realized that Trump was not getting anything done as president that Trump campaigned on during 2016 and ever since then, was no longer a fan and was quite dissapointed. Came to realize Trump was an egomaniac at best.

    However I do not wish for voilence. I do not see him as a good option as president in 2024 due to his track record of getting nothing done during his first term. However for lefties to hate Trump because “The TV told me so” and being spoon fed with the opinion that “Trump is the next Hitler” is such mental gymastics. Look lefties, Trump is not a threat to your woke agenda, he did not drain the swamp in 2017, he hired the swamp. I am sure if he wins in 2024, he will hire the swamp in 2025 again and it will just be four years of fuck all nothing.

    Chill the fuck out.