By a complete stranger, no less, who happened to notice my 30th birthday button which I had forgotten was on my coat. Almost burst into tears on the spot, but then I am a bit hormonal today.

Please, fellow lemmings, cheer me up by telling me: what’s the worst thing you’ve had said to you by a stranger?

    1 year ago

    Not particularly bad, but for some reason it stuck with me:

    I was walking back from a house party, back when I was a student. It must have been 7am or something, I start walking through a park, and the only other guy in there is a runner, complete with one of those compression vest things.

    Either way I barely notice the guy until I’m about halfway through this park and he looks like he’s making a bee-line for me. Not especially concerned or anything, but he’s definitely heading right towards my direction.

    Well he makes it within about 5m and then just roars “Morning after is it?! Hahahahahahahaha” at me and then runs off again in another seemingly random direction whilst cackling for far too long.

    I’m still wondering over a decade on if he went out of his way to run by me and deliver a relatively beige heckle.