Of course, not Tomi Lahren though…

  • itsJoelle@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Alex Jones is a white supremacist. He has had Jones on the podcasts, ergo platforming him. Therefore “Rogan platforms Nazis” is, pretty much, a true statement.

    And no, I’m not programmed to dislike Jones, I’ve come to that opinion after listening to his unedited show for years. He uses the terminology, rhetoric, and arguments found in white supremacy talking points. Jones isn’t going to out right say “I’m a Nazi” or etc. (unlike Kayne – who he suspiciously didn’t boot immediately alongside Nick Fuentes when they explicitly say that), because it’s the third rail you can’t touch and be a propagandist for the masses. Which is his aim.

    • Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      Alex Jones is a complete nut, nobody is arguing otherwise. However, he is not a Nazi. He’s not a racial supremacist like Richard Spencer or David Duke. Not every conspiracy theory lunatic is a Nazi.

      • itsJoelle@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        He’s had both of them on his show, and didn’t push back on either of them.


        And you’re right, not every conspiracist is a supremacist, but Jones had supremacists on regularly throughout his career and didn’t address their position.

        • Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works
          1 year ago

          I don’t care who he has on his show. A lot of people, including a ton of normal sane people, don’t subscribe to this brain dead idea of political purity. ESPN having Kyrie Irving on for an interview does not make them antisemitic, Jimmy Fallon having Trump on his issue doesn’t make him pro-Jan 6th, Joe Rogan having Alex Jones on his podcast doesn’t make him a conspiracy theory nut, and Alex Jones having Richard Spencer on his show doesn’t make him a Neo Nazi. At the day what matter is their personal views. Alex Jones is a lot of things, he’s a crazy conspiracy theorist, gun fanatic, he’s an awful person who made money off the deaths of kids, he defamed people, he harassed people, he pushes a lot of false information, and the list goes on and on. Nobody is disagreeing with any of that. However, one of the things that he is not is a racial supremacist. It just discredits your point when you attack Alex Jones for the one thing he’s not.

          • itsJoelle@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            And I totally agree. Like, for example Jon Stewart has military-industrial complex folk on his show all the time. I won’t call him a war hawk or a war profiteer, or whatever. The difference is he also pushes back pretty hard on his guests as well. However, if Jon Stewart were to have supremacist after supremacist appear on his show, not address their stances, and say “They make really good stuff you should check them out” it will start to get suspicious.

            Once you start listening to the content of his show he does the lovely “I’m not racist/anti-semetic, but [insert some of the most racist shit you’ve ever heard]” or frames his narratives around white christendom needing to be perpetually in fear and how the white empire is under attack. His shtick around the “globalist” is a just a rehash of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion with a modern coat of paint. Heck, in less savory circles of the internet “globalists” is often surrounded by three parentheticals and is short-hand for Jewish people, and Jones doesn’t seem to care about the similarity. He’ll use points from Race Realism or Great Replacement. Jones won’t say he’s a supremacist, because that gives up the game and he’d rather operate by winking-and-nodding, however he has no issue platforming them and aping their talking points at an extremely high clip. Like, I could lay out a list of his guests, but that seems really tedious for the both of us — but I could if you want. Now, I’m no mind reader, so I can’t say with 100% certainty that he is one or not, but he operates not too indifferently from one. He advances their narratives and pushes them to his audience.

            I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of this weird dude over the years, and I hate to say this because it comes off as “just trust me bro,” but between the viral moments of the show the day-in-and-day-out is this pretty boring broadcast where uncharismatic anti-semites, racists, or sumpremacists toe the line of saying dogwhistles over what their positions are in other spaces (like their books, weird blogs, or organisations they’re a member of) just long enough to get through the interview. And only if they step over that line Jones gently pushes back as reminder of “please don’t say the quiet part loud here” but never directly condemns their position.

            And, look, we may disagree and that’s fine. I’m comfortable in the thought we won’t change each other’s minds.

    • Cam@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Alex Jones is a white supremacist. He has had Jones on the podcasts, ergo platforming him. Therefore “Rogan platforms Nazis” is, pretty much, a true statement.

      Alex Jones is a nutjob, not a nazi. So claiming “Rogan platforms nazis” is completely false.

      And no, I’m not programmed to dislike Jones

      Chill out dude. If you listened to JRE hours upon end and think Joe Rogan is an nazi soapbox, there is something wrong with you man. For one, why do you tune into to JRE if hes sooooo evil and gives meanies a platform? And second I am calling BS that you listen to JRE for hours. If you do not like Joe Rogan, you will not consume his content, especially hours of it.

      • itsJoelle@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I didn’t say I listened to Joe Rogan for hours — I said I listened to Alex Jones for a considerable amount of time. I only gave a counter example to show that Joe Rogan does, in fact, platform Nazis. To do that I only need to show one example where he does. And it’s one white supremacist I’m familiar with.

        To my knowledge, being a nut-job doesn’t preclude somone from being a white supremacist. If they’re propagandizing white supremacists talking points to a large audience, even if “mad”, they’re still a fucking white supremacist. Honestly, the cogent ones are more scary. But, If they’re talking about the ‘fall of the western civilization’, the threat of the ‘globalists’, or aping rhetoric from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: they’re a white supremacist. Which Alex spins into current events around a narrative to have people believe the world is ending in a month or so just in time before the lovely ad pivot. Again, it’s not something he’ll directly say, but its something that gets picked up over time after listening to him for way too long. A through line, of sorts, as he dons and shifts positions, or the conspiracy ‘flavor of the week,’ as he picks up whatever narrative he finds helpful so he can continue to doomsay.

        I will say Jones has some sort of illness, but I don’t know the exactly where it ends and his act that enriched him begins. For example, 2008-2012 era Jones hits differently than 2016 onward.

        I’d be more than happy to pick out audio clips where he does precisely this, if you want. However that will take me a bit cause I don’t have a perfect recollection of all the vile shit he’s said. There’s always the Knowledge Fight podcast, where they debunk the idiot, but that’s your call. They, weirdly enough, were expert witnesses at Jone’s Sandyhook civil trial.

        Edit: A good day Knowledge Fight covers of Alex’s show is episode 796: February 4, 2004. Start at 11:07 to avoid the podcaster bloat. It’s a case where everyone who is a guest just so happens to be Nazis. Of course, there are many of other days like this, of course.

        • Cam@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Man, you need to get a different hobby. Spending time thinking some nutjob snake oil salesman is nazi because he dabbles in conspiracies. The fact you just admit you watched a lot of Alex Jones tells me your as crazy as any Alex Jones fanboy.

          Honestly, there are like no nazi left out there except for a dozen trailer park bikers and a few weird teenagers. WWII came to an end almost 80 years ago. The “Nazi empire” got destroyed by the west and the Soviet Union. I know you lefties like to think there is a nazi around every corner and rock, but I cannot take you seriously with your over the top opinion.

          It is safe to assume that you think 30% - 60% of the population are nazis because they like watching and following so and so online that had connections or a talk with so and so that has been labelled a nazi by your prophets.

          • itsJoelle@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Well, no, my grandmother had conspiratorial thought, and once she passed, while Jones wasn’t super popular (or influential) and at the time he was amusing and harmless, he made me nostalgically think of her. So I kept it on in the back ground. As I became an adult I shifted to less time consuming way to interact with his content as I questioned the ethics of watching his content directly. Dood was a fun crazy back in the day. Now, yikes.

            As a Floridian, I have seen straight up swastika tattoos and SS lightning bolts on necks. The white supremacist movement did adopt Nazi iconography a few decades ago. They aren’t literally nazis, but are people who are pushing Ur-giest adjacent philosophy alongside the same sources and arguments. And – no – I don’t see them around every corner because they’re in the super minority, but thoughts like Great-Replacment theory are becoming increasingly mainstream. You’re putting thoughts in my head in lieu of making an argument and inventing an “argument”, imagine I think that, and are attacking it instead. Where did I claim there were Nazis around every corner? I claimed there exists at least one supremacist and they appeared on Joe’s show.

            Look, you’re shifting away from a fairly straight forward argument the Joe had a white supremacist on his podcast. I gave you a digestible source to discover that claim and cite their sources in a verifiable way. Jones doesn’t just dabble in conspiracy, he purposefully has vocal white supremacists on his show regularly, doesn’t address it, and pushes his audience to their spaces while dog-whistling white supremacist arguments. See Feuntes appearing on his show. I know this because I watched his show for years

            • Cam@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Look, you’re shifting away from a fairly straight forward argument the Joe had a white supremacist on his podcast.

              Again, cannot take you seriously man. Would you take a flat earther seriously? I doubt it. If your going to call a leftie podcast host a nazi and white supermacist, why should I take you seriously?

              • itsJoelle@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                I’m … Super confused. I’m claiming Alex Jones is a white supremacist. You claimed Joe never had supremacist on his podcast. I said he had Jones on, therefore he has.

                I never said Joe was a white supremacist. Where did I say that?

                • Cam@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  I just assumed you thought Joe Rogan was a nazi or whatever since Joe had guests on you thought were evil. Most people who use the word nazi like salt at the dinner table will consider a podcast hostman who had “evil” guests as a nazi or whatever for simply having the “evil” guest on.

                  Same with Alex Jones. Alex Jones is not a nazi or white supremacist, he is a nutjob.

                  Understand now bud?

                  • itsJoelle@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    There’s no need to be condescending

                    No, from what understand about Joe’s brand is he platforms unpopular ideas. He let’s them say their thing and goes on. It can include supremacists, and pseudoscientist. Or fun guests people want to hear from. I say, let him do his thing. Like you, and other people said in the comments section have said, most of these people hang themselves on their own statments. But there’s a worry in the back of my head of pushing traffic towards these people – that’s here nor there in our discussion. I took umbridge with the statement that supremacists don’t appear on Joe’s which Alex is one.

                    Jones even had David Duke appear on his show. He had a pretty groveling debate with him, but you can look into that if you want. He repetitively has supremacist guests on show – I don’t know what to tell you. It’s pretty slanted.