I browse the net on VPN 99.9999% of the time and generally use firefox with privacy addons. So Recaptcha is an absolute cunt to people like me.

I just got done being prompted 15 times in a row before saying fuck this shit. Normally, I use ddg or searx.be for searches but it seems like some sites just like to troll me by using this shite for DDOS protection, registration, etc.

Really wish more sites would use competing captcha vendors like hcaptcha, friendly captcha, pretty much any other alternative, or even rolling their own. (one thing i loved when i used to use poal was their answer Hillary4Prison)

TL;DR - why do people still use shitty google captcha?

  • quou@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    The same reason why people use joke languages like Rust and retarded frameworks for example Electron: Most people who develop software (malware in many cases) are not very good at making software, or they are good at making software and have passion for it but are so pushed for time because of stupidly tight deadlines or constant changes to requirements by clients/management that they are forced into writing nightmare garbage code and using whatever bullshit will get something looking close enough for as little effort as possible.

    The former is especially problematic. A surprising number of programmers don’t have a whole lot of passion (especially those writing corporate programs, understandable really) for writing good software (by “good” I mean software that is not only fast, reliable and beautiful to the user but also elegant to the engineer), which causes a lot of bullshit.

    • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      There really is a lot not to like about rust. People are so happy to use it because it’s not C++. But C++ has 40 years of baggage. And I would argue that the safety guarantees of rust are not the best parts. It’s mostly just Cargo, a single build system and less legacy baggage. I prefer golang for most things I could use rust for.