Everyone online says the difference is like 5-10%. But in my experience using on nvidia rtx 20 it’s always 20-25% fps loss compared to windows. Regardless whether i’m bottlenecked by GPU or CPU, on DX11 and DX12 games, it’s always 20-25% FPS defecit. Is that expected?

Using Wine-GE 8.1X with latest dxvk, d3dvk with bottles manager on fedora with nvidia drivers.

  • A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m running AMD, not Nvidia, but I didnt notice much of any performance loss in the games I played during the brief time I had both Linux and Windows installed, before migrating fully to linux.

    On games that worked well, at least. There was a couple games that didnt play great with proton at the time, that have long since been sorted out and run great.

    hell, iirc, a couple games even ran better on linux.