This is an excellent article by Cathy Young, exposing some of the widespread misandry within feminism.

I don’t agree with every point she makes. I think the 1848 demonizing of men is way more serious and shouldn’t be so easily dismissed. But that doesn’t take away from her main point: feminism is full of misandry, and if they want to be taken seriously by men, they need to address that.

    1 year ago

    I think by default, since feminism prioritizes the issues and lived experiences of women via a theory that casts men as a gender as a class defined by their opression of women, yeah I’d say that primes feminists to develop a bias against individual men, regardless of what they say on paper about “systems.” Not to mention the redefining of politics via feminism into “The personal is political,” it’s why they cast moral judgements on men who just don’t like or care for the barbie movie, it’s not just a difference in opinion but a radical moral failing on the part of the man in question.

    TL:DR Their theories on paper attack systems but their praxis attacks men as individuals because they cast men as individuals as ever present proxies for that “oppressive system” in their minds.