This is an excellent article by Cathy Young, exposing some of the widespread misandry within feminism.

I don’t agree with every point she makes. I think the 1848 demonizing of men is way more serious and shouldn’t be so easily dismissed. But that doesn’t take away from her main point: feminism is full of misandry, and if they want to be taken seriously by men, they need to address that.

    1 year ago

    I agree she made a lot of good points.

    It just gives me a certain ugly feeling to see her go through all that misandric behavior and still be defending feminism.

    A lot like how I imagine I’d feel watching a racist/kkk member explain to other racists that being discriminatory is bad, mmmkay.

    Like, I don’t disagree with her assessment of the misandry, it’s just not giving the “look we care about men” image I think she wanted

    It’s more “men face bigotry from women, women most affected”