Hello everyone,

so I’m not actually from New Zealand, but from Europe and I’m currently very worried about the rising popularity of facism and alt-right politics in my country and europe in general. I’m very scared of experiencing physical violence and I’m now very seriously considering moving to another country before the facist parties are elected into power. One of the countries I’m considering is New Zealand, because there wouldn’t be that big of a language barrier and also because I haven’t heard of a lot of problems with facism in New Zealand. So I wanted to ask you if my judgement is correct and what the political situation regarding the alt-right is like in New Zealand.

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate your help :)

  • jeff11@lemmy.nz
    1 year ago

    The guy who made telegram is dodgy af. I have no idea what he’s up to, but Russia’s ministry of defence is on there, officially.

    I love the russian propaganda, but I don’t approve of boomers ranting about the whole trans-gender thing. It’s too cringe for me, especially when we have problems like housing. I’ve definitely seen that hum of spam on certain issues. It’s designed to appeal to boomers and fools. The anti-vaccine and anti-WEF is totally a state sponsored operation, it’s about undermining trust in institutions on the long-term.

    I’m against the NZ government and I’m against the so-called “intelligence community” too.