• SatanicNotMessianic@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    First off, Elon is bad. Calling it “Elon bad bias” is like Trump calling anyone who wants him to face trial “Trump haters.” Elon bad bias makes it sound like a) he isn’t actually bad, it’s just an opinion, and b) factual statements about Elon that describe the various ways in which he is indeed bad are just like Trump haters cherry picking the one or two not-bad-but-actually-good things he did. It’s the “fake news” of the Muskies.

    Second, the entire article is about why the reported numbers are obvious bullshit. He’s using made-up KPIs that can’t be compared to others in the industry or to wxTwitter’s past performance. It’s like asking how a developer is doing and being told they have the highest number of characters committed or written per second for the past seven Mondays.

    If he was looking at good numbers, he’d publish them. As it is estimates are that exTwitter’s worth has dropped between 2/3s and 90%. If the latter is correct, Musk has personally steered a company that was at the top of its market into utter ruin an $40B on fire just because he can’t admit a mistake.

    And that is one of the things that makes him bad.