So, a lot of features are coming next update to help alleviate some of the annoyance of federating with NSFW instances.

For context, I defederated from the NSFW instances because they clutter the absolute FUCK out of /all. I mainly anticipated federating with them in time when it could be hidden from /all, but domain blocks seem to be coming next update at least as well as disabling remote image caching.

Would yall be ok if I refederated? Or should we wait a bit more for community silencing and hiding as well.

    1 year ago

    Well my reply is possibly ironic as I am literally sitting here wearing a tshirt that says

    “Banned books are the best books”


    I’d only do so if you’re confident that you have the tools to manage it. I have zero problem with porn, but given the wildly divergent fetishes that exist, I definitely would prefer it wasn’t it in my feed by default. Happy for it to be available for anyone to subscribe to of course.

    I am of course not the admin, that’s merely my 2bob’s worth. Your call.

    I’ve moved to a client (sync) which has very extensive filtering options so theoretically I can filter out pretty much anything, so personal impact is theoretically low.

    As a side anecdote I reacted to a query on the sync for lemmy sub about not being able to see NSFW lemmy feeds by looking there in anonymous mode in the app (to test if it was the app or not). I noped out kinda fast (and cleared the cache for good measure)

    Yeah, so make sure you have good admin tools