• Cryophilia@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I disagree. I think there’s a fundamental difference between violent rape, coercive rape, and manipulative rape. And our current terminology doesn’t really work well for pointing out those differences. But the distinction between “rape” and “statutory rape” is a good one.

    I think you’re really harming victims of violent rape by equating that with a 19 year old and a 17 year old having a lay. Or even a 29 year old and a 17 year old. It waters down the term. Now when you say “so and so is a convicted rapist” people can go “yeah, but was it really?

    Edit: my favorite argument for this was how the right wing started calling Bill Clinton a rapist. Do they actually think he’s a rapist? Of course not. Does anyone really? Of course not, except for naive fools. But technically, by the Progressive, ivory-tower, PC, inclusive, new definition of rape…he was. So they used that to attack him, with a bonus of making the actual rapists on their team seem not so bad.