The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.

  • stopthatgirl7@kbin.socialOP
    11 months ago

    From another article on this:

    “There were just a lot of men in the comments on anonymous profiles being like, ‘Well Don’t hate the player, hate the game,’” Barman said. “Basically proving that they are men, they’re not actually non-binary, and that they very much came [to the conference] in an aggressive nature to take space.”

    And according to people on Twitter and TikTok, women were literally being shoved out of place and jumped in front of in lines, and lots of these men had “he/him” on their badges as their pronouns. These were cis men being jerks.

      11 months ago

      Thank you for linking an additional article. I’m going to be focusing in on some particular parts of this article which relate to my original concerns, though certainly reading this article and getting more detail about what exactly transpired at the event was distressing. The behaviour demonstrated is completely unacceptable, and would have definitely made me feel unsafe, especially the physical shoving.

      I am going to be arguing again that I’m worried that some trans and nonbinary folks are getting misgendered as cis men. However, even if some of these folks were trans or nonbinary, if they were partaking in the behaviour that was detailed in this article, then what they were doing was still completely unfair.

      many reported seeing male-presenting attendees with he/him on their nametags

      This doesn’t mean for a certainty that these individuals are cis men. Nonbinary folks don’t exclusively use gender-neutral pronouns or neopronouns, many nonbinary folks are comfortable presenting as their AGAB and using those respective pronouns. These people could also be closeted trans women or nonbinary folks.

      “There were just a lot of men in the comments on anonymous profiles being like, ‘Well Don’t hate the player, hate the game,’” Barman said. “Basically proving that they are men, they’re not actually non-binary, and that they very much came [to the conference] in an aggressive nature to take space.”

      These people were commenting on anonymous profiles. How do we know that these people were lying about their gender identity? They could have very well just be the attendees who self-identified as male.