The Dauntless II Command Science Destroyer - from Star Trek Prodigy - is joining the Infinity Lock Box on October 12th! The original Dauntless was a copy of a fraud – an alien race created a false Federation starship to lure the captain and crew of the U.S.S. Voyager. While partially successful, this effort caught the eye of Starfleet Engineering once the Voyager completed its historic return to Federation space, and the advanced slipstream mechanism aboard provided the foundation for the Dauntless. The Dauntless II, on the other hand, is re-imagined as a true Federation starship molded by the experiences of Voyager’s Captain Kathryn Janeway. It retains the advanced quantum slipstream drive and scientific nature, and adds to it an absolute premium on the survival of the crew. Its prototype asymmetric shielding technology allows unprecedented integrity of the forward shields, and that defense is bolstered by an ability to surge Torpedoes onto the battlefield in a spectacular, if not sustainable, way. This deterrence stops fights before they start – each enemy captain knows their ship cannot hope to pierce the Dauntless II’s shields before the beautiful display of formation flying Torpedoes finds a hole in theirs.

Dauntless II Command Science Dreadnought [T6]
This starship includes a Commander Science / Temporal Operations specialist bridge officer seat and a Lieutenant Commander Engineering / Miracle Worker specialist bridge officer seat.

    1 year ago

    It’s…hideous! I wasn’t gonna say anything because I know there’s a lot of work that goes into ship design, but JFC it looks like someone did a random kitbash using the Prometheus saucer and saved the first results they got. I mean, there’s a crapton of real wacky, unconventional, and sometimes just plain bizarre-looking ships in this game, but this one just looks straight up fugly-lazy to me.

    Like, the original Dauntless already looked a little derpy, particularly in the aft part of the ship, but that was kind of the point…like, it wasn’t an actual Starfleet-commissioned ship, but an alien approximation. This new one honestly just looks like a bad kitbash. The parts used don’t look like they belong to the same ship. It’s ugh I haate it

    1 year ago

    When this hits Mugg’s I’m definitely not buying it. Fairly bland ship, and of course the announcement is full of mistakes. Is it command? Is it temporal? Who knows! 4/3 weapons and a hanger is a small draw. But not enough for the e.g. Compiler to edge out the Verne or Dranuur scout ship. Too hideous for a gamble ship. I’d pick it up if it were c-store just to mess around with the console. It looks fun for scitorp without boosting pure EPG or pure torp higher. Trait is shield stuff again, at least partly. So unlikely to be meta (or very useful). Another extremely easy pass.