• cedarmesa@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Lots of em. Waiting for the current one to piss me off enough so I can walk on this one too.

  • Ignisnex@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Yup. My wife and I used to work at a jewelry store together. Management fired my wife for being friendly with a district manager they had to let go (for legitimate reasons). Told the owners that they made a mistake. They said it was justified, but I could stay if I wanted. I ended up rallying 3/4 of the staff at our store to walk out too, because they all loved working with my wife. The owners needed to run the store themselves for 3 months before they hired enough staff to replace everyone. It was a good day.

  • Seigest@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I moved back to my hometown after college because there was a job that offered to get my foot in the door of the game industry. I was pretty despite and I just graduated with a second diploma in that industry and had a lot of student loans.

    The job was to a an in-game service rep for Trions Rift mmo. I was working via a third party but the assured me that if I did well they’d become the tier 2 support center and get some dev work.

    That turned out to be complete bullshit. After 3 months of watching the team get fired for every tiny infraction they announced we where all to be moved to a banking project.

    So I did the 2 weeks of training for the bank thing while scrambling to get any other job. I had a few promising roles as a disboy which actually paid better. So day one after training I fucked up an account somehow and locked off 50k of someone’s money by putting it into the wrong account.

    I said fuck it and went home. Was slinging dishes a few days later. Didn’t land a real job till about a year or 2 after. Never got into the game industry but that’s probably for the best.

  • Yewb@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    In another life 84 million years ago I worked at a grocery store, I started at a decent wage with 40 hours a week.

    New manager was then placed in my department immediately moved me to 9 hours a week…

    Literally just didnt show up again she called me pissed off and I was like “You fucked around and found out, no one can live off of 9 hours a week”.

    Mind you she had huge chunks of time not covered and had to work like 80 hours a week for a few months.

  • limeaide@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I worked at Panera and they gave me a whopping $0.08 raise after working there for a year lol. I politely declined and put my two weeks in.

    A couple days later at work I cut my finger because the knife I was using wasn’t sharp enough and I had to use too much force to cut and I ended up cutting the tip of my index finger off. It was just dangling by a piece of skin.

    I had to drive myself to the hospital because the manager didn’t trust the employees enough to leave them alone, then whenever I got there I signed in but the Panera manager didn’t want to give me the insurance information and they told me I went to a hospital outside of their network even though I went to the one they sent me to.

    The next day they called me into work even though the doctor said I couldn’t work for the following week. I told them to fuck off and never went back.

    Panera declined to pay anything but I wasn’t aware of this until I was sent to collections and I had to pay something like $2k for some stitches. That was after negotiating it down from $8k.

    This was in 2018. I probably did a couple things wrong but I was a teenager and I didn’t know better.

  • AA5B@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Never. While it may be satisfying, why let a temporary emotional response impact my career/income? They’re not worth it. Always have the next job lined up first. Always go through the motions of doing the right thing” so there are no strikes against your next job

  • 29excerpt0000@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    I’m almost 40 and I’ve had about 20 jobs since my first and I’ve walked out of every single one. I don’t owe them anything. They wouldn’t give me 2 weeks notice before firing me, right? I only walk out because it’s fair and what should be expected of me.

  • RoxActually@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I have one I would love to do that for now, but the need for money to support a family keeps me from doing it. Luckily should be able to apply for jobs soon when I’m done my degree in a few months

  • CADmonkey@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I used to be a utility locator in 2011-2012. You know, one of the guys who would paint lines showing where the lines are when you “call before you dig”.

    The company I worked for was so disorganized, and had so much trouble keeping people, that everyone was basically working 7-12’s, unless you were on call. If you were on call, you got to work 12 hours and then you got to work all night.

    All for $12.50 per hour. I went to a temp agency to get a job, any job, doing anything. I dropped off the truck and the laptop for the utillity locator company without a word.

  • Maerman@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I worked at an ice cream parlour in my hometown for a summer job. After three shifts I knew it was horrible and it wouldn’t get any better. Two hours before the start of my fourth shift, I walked up to the boss and said, “I don’t work here anymore. You’re a cunt.”

  • Yeah when I was young I found out my gf at the time was cheating on me with my coworker. Found the evidence while I was at work, called them each and confronted them and they admitted it. I left my keys on the desk and walked out. Just didn’t want to face it. I had quit college because I wanted to work some, and ended up going back to school after this.