I’m looking for a torrent software to run on my server/VM. I want something that is easy to setup, has a decent web UI, a base set of features like autoadd and… well, you know, actually works.

Been running Deluge for a while but turns out autoadd is broken. Spent too much time trying to fix it.

QBittorrent breaks when I try to add alternative web UI (VueTorrent). I mean, it’s still broken after restoring the config file. Also, it can’t seem to display error messages in the UI so you have to dig through logs.

Transmission has been unreliable and has performance issues in my experience.

Please, can you recommend something that is actually good?

  • KD_done@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If a FOSS-tard means that I encourage the use off FOSS because I believe it’s a often the right way to go when it comes to privacy, freedom and all that jazz… then, yes, I am a FOSS-tard.

    I understand that you are attempting to be insulting. I will acknowledge that, if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

    We all want everything to work perfect all the time. You are not alone or special in that. Decades experience says otherwise. And from that same period of experience I can promise you that the FOSS-tards like me are equally as gifted in delivering shitty software as any other corp that sells closed-corporate-patent-pending quick hacks for $2000 a pop. Oracle calls them drivers, I call them “curious, and inoperable”.

    Like I said, spend money on somebody that can do it for you so you don’t have to lose your patience, save some time so you can “experience” the rewards that you did not work or are interested in.

    If you manage to regain your composure, and get all the bits and pieces of software working together so it does what you want, you might understand why we do what we do. And because you don’t get that but choose to come her and and complain to others who do get it… I will call entitled.

    Because that’s what you are.

    • Vetusiratus@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      Being a FOSS-tard comes with an inability to understand criticism of software because it’s free (if you don’t value your time).

      You obviously can’t handle a simple question of better alternatives than software that shits the bed, and judging by your response you’re deep in FOSS-tardedness.

      And, no, expecting software to work, have sane configurations and clear documentation is not being entitled. It means valuing your time.

      Presuming I don’t know how or care to configure things is laughable.

      • KD_done@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        I don’t believe you care to read, a reddit post, a response to your ramblings or a manual. You revert to insults, talking down to others and claiming it’s appropriate because you want something.

        Your expectations are not met, take it out on friends, not strangers. They might be more understanding.