• frostbiker@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Let’s not conflate income and wealth. With a living wage you may not be able to accumulate wealth, but at least you will have your daily essentials covered.

    My concern with a universal income is that it discourages healthy people from working and thus contributing to our collective wellbeing. So while in principle it helps some people who currently fall through the cracks of our welfare system, it also reduces the pool of people contributing to it through their taxes. Is it a net win? I don’t know.

    • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      A UBI program was implemented in a part of Ontario to study it’s impact.

      Results showed that people were able to cover their basic essential needs and the vast majority were able to improve their career by finally being able to spend time getting training for better job opportunities and improve their living conditions as a whole. It also allowed them to get certain healthcare services that aren’t covered by OHIP like dental care.




      • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        It also allowed them to get certain healthcare services that aren’t covered by OHIP like dental care.

        That sounds like a good reason to expand OHIP, which doesn’t require a UBI.

        As for the rest, I wonder to what extent it went that way because the participants knew it was a short term experiment. Pensioners are not the epitome of productivity.

        • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          Why are you playing devil’s advocate? Are you opposed to giving everyone an equal opportunity in life?

          Have you even read the links I provided to you? At least read the article?

          • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
            1 year ago

            I have followed the UBI subject for the past ten or fifteen years. I used to be an advocate for it. It was precisely through reading and thinking about it that I started to question whether it really was a better alternative to our current welfare programs.

            It stands to reason that if extending OAS to people over 60yo would lead to more people retiring early and stop contributing significantly to our tax base, then a UBI which essentially means extending OAS to every adult would have a similar effect, only extended further. And with fewer workers, how do we pay for UBI and everything else?

            I’m sure there’s plenty of room for improvement to our existing welfare programs, but that doesn’t automatically mean extending them to every healthy person.

            Are you opposed to giving everyone an equal opportunity in life?

            Giving everybody a good opportunity in life doesn’t mean a UBI, and a UBI doesn’t mean giving everybody a good opportunity either. It’s a false dichotomy.

            • Kedly@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              Heres a more pressing quandry. What are we going to do about the fact that Technology continues to kill more jobs than it creates, and is starting to do so at a faster rate. There isnt enough livable wage paying jobs left to allow everyone access to proper food and housing

              • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
                1 year ago

                What are we going to do about the fact that Technology continues to kill more jobs than it creates, and is starting to do so at a faster rate.

                Yeah, that is a big deal.

                There isnt enough livable wage paying jobs left to allow everyone access to proper food and housing.

                For starters I think that minimum wages are too low in North America. Anybody working full time should be able to afford a place to live without roommates. Housing cannot be an investment vehicle if we want it to be affordable.

                If people are freed from being forced to work to pay their bills, more people would ve free to volunteer

                Some pensioners do some volunteering, but on average the amount they contribute to society is a small fraction of what they did when they were working full time. Society needs enough full time workers to fund the ongoing cost of a first-world nation.

            • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              Ah wait hold on. You’re taking about UBI applying only to retired people?

              I’m talking about it applying to everyone that’s independent. Whether it’s a 16 year old that is emancipated because they can’t live with their parents for whatever reason, anyone over 18, or even retired people.

        • spacecowboy@sh.itjust.works
          1 year ago

          How many times do you need to see the evidence? You just hand wave it away and demand more proof.

          Fuck off if you aren’t here to have a real discussion.

    • jadero@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      My concern with a universal income is that it discourages healthy people from working and thus contributing to our collective wellbeing.

      Every study I’ve heard of shows that is not what happens except in very narrow situations. For example, the study run in Dauphin, MB found that teenagers were less likely to work or to work less, but that was because they were choosing to focus on their schooling and, in some cases, actually stay in school. IIRC, there were also people who chose to stay at home with young children or care for infirm relatives rather than find other care options so they could go to low wage, “low skill” jobs. Those outcomes seem positive given the results of other studies regarding education and family care.

      There is a general problem in mass psychology where people sitting around a table or in their armchairs try to imagine the impact of a policy without conducting a study or looking at historical results.

      • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        There is a general problem in mass psychology where people sitting around a table or in their armchairs try to imagine the impact of a policy without conducting a study or looking at historical results.

        Let me present some more historical results: retirees. Do pensioners contribute more or less to society than before they retired? Are they a net contributor or a net drag? A UBI turns everybody into a pensioner.

        The two situations are not identical, but they give me pause.

        • GreyEyedGhost@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          So a person who has contributed heavily to society should have no expectation to reduce their contribution, except perhaps some of the wisdom they accrued over the years? Work til we die, or we hold no value? I question your worldview. For what other reason have we progressed technologically except to make life easier? The only other realistic options are to increase the rate of progress or to reward some few people excessively while the rest of us work ourselves to death. Perhaps it’s time to consider the middle ground.

        • jadero@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          This may not apply everywhere, but around here (Saskatchewan), retirees are the lifeblood of service and community organizations. From the quilting club that generates revenue for brain injury research and food banks to the senior centre that helps people age in place, retirees are a critical component of the glue that holds us together.

          Even if you have a fairly narrow economic view of what it means to contribute to society, there is no question that retirees are making those contributions. While actual money is required for most things, nothing happens without people putting in time and retirees have plenty of time and aren’t shy about using it.

          This is something I became aware of as my older relatives retired. Now that I’m retired myself, I’m more active than ever in the community, despite having also retired from the volunteer fire and rescue service.

          • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
            1 year ago

            Even if you have a fairly narrow economic view of what it means to contribute to society, there is no question that retirees are making those contributions

            How does their volunteering compare to the forty hour weeks they used to work, on average? How specialized is the work they do compared to what they used do do, on average?

            When we remove the incentive for people to do something, they do it less.

            • jadero@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              Okay, so I do less computer programming for money, but it’s still a hobby and I contribute to a few open source projects.

              But here are a few things that wouldn’t get done if I were still employed:

              • regular classes in internet security and privacy to help keep community members safe online.
              • volunteering at the school to help teach students both new technologies (3D printing, robotics, environmental data collection and analysis) and old (boat building, sailing, winter survival in nature) plus tutoring in everything from music performance to math.
              • serving with the emergency measures organization

              That’s approximately where my list ends, but fellow retirees are helping less abled people stay in their homes and communities, showing up at social justice rallies, and a myriad of other things that are important both societally and economically. If it’s judged to be less important than employment, it’s also important to note that much of it wouldn’t be societally affordable without our free labour, yet has profound impacts on quality of life.

              And I disagree that removing incentives leads to less being done. External incentives, like paycheques, are probably the least effective incentives there are. Most people are motivated by passion, desire, contribution, and satisfying results.

              • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
                1 year ago

                External incentives, like paycheques, are probably the least effective incentives there are

                How many times have you seen people hop to a higher paying job? And how many switched to a lower paying job?

                Most people are motivated by passion, desire, contribution, and satisfying results

                And yet most people quit working as soon as they have the financial means to do so. How many of them spend 40hrs/week volunteering afterwards? People pursuing some hobbies part time is not going to sustain the financial necessities of a developed nation.

          • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
            1 year ago

            A UBI turns everybody into a pensioner.

            Wait what? This is not even close to true.

            A pensioner receives a stable income even when they are not working.

            A UBI recipient receives a stable income even when they are not working.

            I’d like to hear your counterpoint.

              • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
                1 year ago

                They are not 67 years old for one.

                Do early retirees do any differently? My kid’s teacher retired at 55 and she wasn’t talking of all the work she was planning to do afterwards.

                The funny thing is people in this thread are complaining that rich people contribute nothing to society, but they avoid saying that the reason rich people don’t work is because they don’t have to. We all know that if we didn’t have to work we would not do a fraction of what we do today.

                  • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
                    1 year ago

                    Tell us more anecdotes from the early 80s boomer.

                    She retired last year, making her Gen X. I am younger than her.

                    Not that any of that makes any difference: people stop working as soon as they have the means to do so.

                    Since you have resorted to personal insults it is safe to assume that you have ran out of actual arguments. Thank you for the conversation.

                  • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
                    1 year ago

                    Note that you’re using the term “retiree” in this example, but were talking about pensioners previously.

                    You are right, I’ve been sloppy.

                    A lot of pensioners do keep working

                    Do you have any data on what percentage of them do, particularly full time? Based on the people I know, they spend most of their time with chores and socializing. Not that there is anything wong with that, but as a larger percentage of our population becomes unproductive it will become harder to fund social services such as healthcare or the UBI.

    • Nik282000@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      a universal income is that it discourages healthy people from working and thus contributing to our collective wellbeing

      Is it better for people to be in constant fear of poverty while being maximally productive or for people to choose to be less productive in a field they enjoy while being supported by taxes extracted from corporations and the ultra-rich?

      The last chapter of ‘Bullshit Jobs’ covers it way better than I can. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-bullshit-jobs#toc52

    • Lem Jukes@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Really hope these comments helped you reasses this crappy take. Or at least ask yourself where this concern actually came from.

      • frostbiker@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        Really hope these comments helped you reasses this crappy take

        Insulting people rarely changes their minds.

        I am aware of various pilot projects and remain unconvinced. Pensioners are the closest thing we have to an UBI, and to my knowledge their contribution to society falls off a cliff once their retire. Sure, some of them may volunteer here and there but overall they contributed much more through their taxes when they were working.

        • Lem Jukes@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          So you learned nothing and refused to accept criticism as anything other than a personal attack on your character. Not even gonna address your continued crappy defense of your crappy take.

          Also, your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. There’s your insult.