He is worried about a lack of (white) people on this planet.

  • SatanicNotMessianic@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    “Population decline” as a political football right now is just a stalking horse for conservatives to push a homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, and racist agenda. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard about LGBT folks not having kids, thinking that the ability to birth children is what defines a woman, lamenting the effects of women’s lib, or worrying about “replacement” via immigration, I could find my own fertility clinic.

    I will believe people believe that there is a serious danger in population decline when they start passing policies meant to address it. I will believe they’re concerned about the impact of an aging population when they open the borders to immigration. I’ll believe they’re worried about births when they increase taxes to the point we can sustainably provide pre- and post-birth medical care, pediatric care, day care, and education.

    Or we could spend that money on increasing services for retirees and adjust to lower and more sustainable levels of population, rather than doubling down on the idea of infinite growth. We could use the explosion in productivity to benefit the people whose productivity increased, rather than sending all of the additional money gained to the top of the income strata. That seems like less of a population Ponzi scheme.

    Let in immigrants so I can retire in comfort on the basis of paying another 40 million people $5/hour to pick my vegetables and cook my food, make having kids not an economic burden that women and families have to sacrifice their careers for, or just make it easier to retire and be taken care of by funneling part of the economic excess from hypergrowth to things that benefit the public.

    Otherwise I’m going to continue to thing that the “concerns” about declining population growth aren’t really the concerns in play.