The Lemmygrad mod team has deliberated and decided that “patsocs”, especially those claiming the title such as Maupin, Hinckle, and Infrared, are hereby banned and are not welcome on lemmygrad.

This ban does not include those who feel some level of “patriotism” (for lack of a better word) for non-settler states ( namely those who have historically been victims of colonialism ).

Discussions surrounding the topics of settler-colonialism, and decolonization will always be allowed, as long as they don’t veer into the territory of defenses of colonialism, or affinity with colonizer over the colonized.

This includes:

  • No apologia of settler-colonialism, or defenses of colonizer over the colonized. IE no defenses of Israelis over Palestinians, or European Settlers over indigenous americans fighting for the return of stolen lands.
  • Please adhere to the Marxist-Leninist principle of Right of Nations to Self-Determination: especially holding true for indigeous peoples.
  • Please adhere to the Marxist-Leninist principle of Proletarian Internationalism.
  • No social-chauvinism, or opportunistic appeals to “conservative values” to win converts to socialism.

Here are some Marxist books / resources to learn more about Settler-Colonialism ( Audiobook torrents are linked as well )

    2 years ago

    The CIA is probably going to use patsocs to infiltrate marxist groups and distract the public.

    Marxist parties in the U.S should hopefully start banning them soon.

      • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.mlOPM
        2 years ago

        By turning socialism into a “conservative-friendly” movement, they defang it and take away its revolutionary potential, and easily steer it to social chauvinist directions. There’s a long history of them doing this with labor movements, and this happened in almost every country going back to Lenin’s day.

        This is why most of Marxism’s greatest works are polemics against social chauvinists / reactionary “socialists” ( state and rev, the renegade kautsky, reform or revolution, critique of the gotha programme ).

        Reread the post text above.

    2 years ago

    Spaniard here. Giving this issue of patsocs, I am obligated to bring the petition to ban every sign of patriotism regarding Spain and specially if talking about the past, and also if mixed with catholic paraphernalia. Trust me, those are irredeemable signs of literal fascism. Example, the fucking scumbag of Santiago Armesilla.

        2 years ago

        TL;DR a nazbol, but instead of nazi, it’s NatCath.

        He’s a self claimed communist that’s a reactionary, spanish imperialism apologist, and even declared himself as “atheist catholic”, which basically means “I don’t believe in God but “Land, Patriotism and God(” Tierra, Patria y Dios” are the Francoist/Fascist motto)", and ideologically defended the settlements on Morocco, Catalonia and Euskadi+Navarra.

        He was the main reason that the PCOE had to have a purge, being him purged. (note: I may be confusing PCOE with PCPE, which as you can see, have very simmilar names).

      2 years ago

      The wildest take from them was Zionist defense. I never knew, they believe things as silly as the Israeli working class is brainwashed into wanting free houses, they don’t really want them.

        2 years ago

        Where are y’all running into these people? I see people who have opened discussion on how to possibly use existing American patriotism as a radicalization tool (I’m against it, but still understand why there are those that see some value in the idea). But I’m fortunate enough not to have run into any of these specifically terrible takes yet. Seriously, who the f are these “socialists” that support Israel?

    2 years ago

    This ban does not include those who feel some level of “patriotism” (for lack of a better word) for non-settler states ( namely those who have historically been victims of colonialism ).

    How about past or future proletarian states?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    2 years ago

    LG admin here to say patriotism for countries like Palestine, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc. is acceptable as they were colonized by invaders and “patriotism” for those countries is solidarity with indigenous and local populations and their ways of life, however patriotism for countries like the US, the UK, most of Europe, etc. is not and can not be acceptable, because to be “patriotic” for them you must accept the rape, murder, and theft of the indigenous populations they invaded.

    Until the US comes under a red banner, American Patriotism will only stand as an acceptance of the manifest destiny pillaging of Natives, the Jim Crow laws that still in certain ways exist today, the recent overturning of Abortion, etc. Marxism and patriotism for the US are like oil and water, and those who try to mix the two have no business here.

    2 years ago

    As soon as I learned the most basic beginnings of the Labor Aristocracy, a year or so ago, I competely dropped any semblance of patriotism dwelling inside of me. It made me think, why should our proletariat of the first world take priority over the third world’s exploitation which in most cases is more exploitative, more dangerous, and grants less individual and mass freedoms. And obviously the first world proletariat works hard and they absolutely must be freed, but not at the expense of the third world. Sweden is a decent example. They (not for covid) care about wages and benefits and good stuff like that, but ask them about helping Africa or something and you’ll hear nothing. USA is a great example of the unequal order of labor. The Oil Workers benefit from putting pipelines through indigenous lands. It’s cheapest to put the pipeline on a straight path, in some cases right thru indigenous land, thus needing less construction to reroute and profit is higher. Let’s say that the oil company(humor me for a sec) increases wages because of the massive profits. What we see is the indigenous community being subjugated and tosses to the side for the benefit of the 1st world proletariat. PatSoc can come off as correct when talking about wanting higher wages and better representation, but it’s like the Sex Trade in the fact that when you, the proletarian, have your interests lined up with that of your industry(the petrol industry for “protection of jobs against Climate initiatives” or pimps and johns for “legalization/legitimacy of sex work”) you will be tricked into supporting policies that do not help you but your boss or customers.