• 153 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 29th, 2022


  • It is, but Polish chritofash, exactly like the Usian ones, and all other fash before them, constantly cry how opressed they are and how LGBT, communists, Jews, masons etc are everywhere in force and are about to strike.

    Also Btw hussars were recruited from elite of nobility, their number was 8000 at most, and usually way lower. Most Polish boys in the time were peasants getting their serfdom intensified.

  • They send their sabers to Ukraine so now they have to rattle the fence.

    Also fence is very good in repelling invasion of the enemy that don’t want to invade. Poland have one on border with Belarus and we didn’t get invaded by Belarus even once since it was build!

    But seriously, it is a regional poor version of Trump wall and physical avatar of Iron Curtain. Its purpose is to create physical division between “us” and “them” and create impression that “they” are aggressive and will attack any moment, but also weak enough to be deterred by fence. You know, it’s fascism 101.

  • Polish “economic miracle” could means several things, we have one constantly reinvented by state propaganda to shut our faces and i lost count long ago what they mean currently. Generally over the last two decades i would say it’s blanket term for sucking up the cash from EU (Poland was and still is all the time most subsidized country) while not entirely integrating into EU financial structures to not be hit as hard by the crisises like in 2008 (fun fact: even the fucker balcerowicz knows euro is not good and lobbying hard for keeping currency was probably the only good thing he ever did) and actually quite skillful engineereing of social dumping both from and to Poland.

    Before that it was standard for postsocialist country “let’s lose 30 years of development, become colonised, and call that economical miracle”

    never heard of Poland(, or any country for that matter,) funding 100% of a company while leaving the dividends to foreign hands

    Huh? That’s happening all the time, it’s called “privatisation”. In Poland (and i suspect in every postsocialist country) there was especially scummy way to do it in first 3 years of transformation: industry was bought by random people substituted by foreign business, for peanuts, and those peanuts were provided by the company being bought as lease, so effectively it was state just giving up the industry for free, nearly always into foreign hands.

    It also did happened later like the case of modern steel mill being build, immediately sold for nearly nothing and of course liquidated as competition (in Silesia around 2005 iirc).

    There was also even more blatant case i do known, though it probably also happened way more elswhere and wasn’t into foreign hands specifically: Meiji Japan build state industry and then to purposefully kickstart not even capitalism but immediately imperialism, they just given it up to zaibatsus, creating the industrial molochs that would lead Japan straight into fascism. And considering the still-mostly medieval development level of most of coutry it could be said that they literally pushed the imperialism button.

  • or will we find, at times, we allowed our sympathy for the Ukrainian cause to overlook matters we shouldn’t?

    When dust settles there will be no sympathy for Ukrainians anymore. They will be again relegated to the “subhuman asiatic horde” exactly like Chechens were. And it could be even worse, millions of Ukrainians are currently working and living in EU and a lot of them will not get back after the war ends. They will inevitably be used by USA and their European compradors as scapegoat in possibly hugest immigrant scare campaign possible in order of destabilise and vassalise EU even more.