The New York Times reports that Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt privately recorded his intentions to give Donald Trump money in order to advance his business interests in the United States. Pratt wrote, “If Potus is having his election party at mar Lago I’ll book as many rooms as available,” because doing so would not only help Trump win the election but also “be good for business.”

The Times reports that, according to witness testimony to federal prosecutors, Pratt “spent $1 million to attend the party, well in excess of the normal charge.” That is to say, Pratt was not merely indulging himself in amenities offered by Trump’s private club but consciously using those payments as a vehicle to pay Trump directly.

While there is no evidence this alleged scheme violates any criminal statute, the colloquial term for this behavior is bribery.

Meanwhile, House Republicans are continuing to circulate allegations that President Biden was connected to his son Hunter’s influence-peddling business. Representative James Comer has made a series of uncorroborated allegations that the conservative media have uncritically promoted, insinuating that Joe Biden personally benefited from his son’s business. Republicans have produced communications between Hunter Biden and his father, which might be expected between a father and a son, but no clear evidence that Joe Biden received any payments stemming from Hunter’s work.

They are attempting, so far without success, to show Biden did what Donald Trump is proven to have done.

    11 months ago

    You’re misusing the word evidence. There is absolutely evidence that he is guilty.

    No there isn’t. There is just evidence that this guy bought some hotel rooms to suck up to trump. Any rich person could do that. Would you say there was evidence of Hunter Biden using his connection to his father to further his business deals?

    Simple. If you see a transaction attempt that reeks of criminality, you reject it. I don’t reject the possibility of it being a pseudo bribe, I just said there is no proof of it. Any random rich guy can buy a bunch of rooms at trumps hotels. I doubt trump is monitoring who buys rooms at his hotels.

    Simple. If you see a transaction attempt that reeks of criminality, you reject it. If this rich guy had any intention of bribing a politician in roundabout way, there’s no way he went through the effort to hide the transfers so the Trump or the hotel couldn’t tell what was going on.

    Oh please, there are much more efficient means of transferring money to someone than buying up all their hotel rooms. Nothing could be more obvious at attempting to bribe than that. I’m not saying this guy didn’t try to bribe trump, there’s just no evidence that it worked. If you have evidence I will change my mind.

    Good question. It should be investigated (and was, heavily investigated with no proof of illicit behavior discovered).

    Do you recognize that there’s a disincentive for government agencies to come out with an indictment on a extremely powerful and politically connected potential presidential candidate. Do you not remember when Clinton wiped her entire email server and played dumb? They investigated that too, and of course laid no charges. If Trump did that, it would be game over for him.

    A donation to a charity controlled by a politician does not need to go into the pocket of said politician in order to be immoral. That money represents power, even if it doesn’t directly line the pockets of Hillary Clinton.

    But take a step back and be honest with me. If I hand you $1M to curry favor, is that the same as if I hand St. Jude’s Hospital $1M to curry favor of someone who works there?

    St Judes is not the same as the Clinton Foundation and you know that.

      11 months ago

      You’re misusing the word evidence. There is absolutely evidence that he is guilty.

      No there isn’t. There is just evidence that this guy bought some hotel rooms to suck up to trump.

      Suggestion: Look up what “evidence” means as a legal term. The paper trail of the guy buying hotel rooms is evidence that Trump was involved. Doesn’t make Trump guilty. Doesn’t make him innocent either. Evidence isn’t proof, and evidence exists of things we are not yet convinced are true (or that actually aren’t).

      St Judes is not the same as the Clinton Foundation and you know that.

      I really don’t know that. The name of the founders on it shouldn’t affect the charity. Except for Trump foundation, but only because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and had it taken away.

        11 months ago

        That is not evidence trump is involved, because he very much could have not been involved.

          11 months ago

          That is not evidence trump is involved


          because he very much could have not been involved.


          …welcome to how evidence works. The legal definition for evidence is “Evidence an item or information proffered to make the existence of a fact more or less probable” It is incredibly rare that “no evidence” exists for some claim. People who assert otherwise are either confusing evidence with proof OR arguing from a position of such extreme bias they cannot see. I still haven’t figured which of the two you are, so I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt by correcting the former.