I was thinking about starting a new creative project recently. But then I thought - with how quickly AI is advancing, in just a few years an AI will probably be able to do this in just minutes. So it made me feel kind of apathetic and think, “Why should I bother starting this big project now if an AI could do it for me in a few years?”

I’m curious if others feel this way or if the advancement of AI is making people less motivated to start big, creative projects since the work could just be automated by an AI soon anyways. It could increase apathy and make people feel like “why bother?” Am I overthinking this? Does the possibility of AI taking over certain tasks in the future make you less motivated to start projects and learn new skills? Would love to hear others’ thoughts on this!

  • Essence_of_Meh@kayb.ee
    1 year ago

    I guess it depends on your motivation for said project.

    Do you enjoy the process of working on the project? Do you use it to learn new things and improve the skills required for it? Or all you care about is the end project?

    If it’s the last one I can see why you could get discouraged but if it’s the other two then not really.

    If I work on something specific I do it because I want to create this thing using my skills, experience and ideas. I also try to do as much of it as I can on my own, without using other’s people assets etc. For me, the work I put in is an important of the process and each step towards completion makes me a little proud and happy that I can create something.

    At the same time I’m a weirdo who tends to use less efficient methods if they aren’t as fun to use when working on personal projects. I don’t really care about using AI in the first place so that might skew my view a bit.

    There’s also the fact that AI isn’t omnipotent. It makes mistakes just like us and I’d rather fix my own mistakes since this way I know what I did, how I did it and where to look when things go wrong.

    Sorry for the word salad. Your post gave me a reason to spew some unfiltered thoughts about an issue I never really thought about.