Our dear local asshole, Geneviève Guilbault, minister of transportation, has announced that the provincial government would reduce its investment in Montreal’s public transit, forcing the metro to close at 23:00 and reducing the frequency of night time busses.

With all the progress that Montreal has had in the last 10 years, it is appaling to me that the provincial government would try to nip it in the bud. We are SO CLOSE to being such a great place! The Plan Vélo is going well, with only one hiccup in one borough. We have the REM, the REV, the metro has a pretty recent batch of new vehicles, we have a robust monthly card system that took years to get moving as well as it is now.

We were doing well, but the party in power lost one seat in an election recently. They are now in “appeal to our voter base” mode. Our government does not get many seats in Montreal. They are further to the right wing than the typical Montréalais, especially around the city center. They show their hand by building new lanes on regional roads that don’t need it, and reducing mass transport service in a city that does need it.

  • inasaba@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    The trend of treating SERVICES like they need to bring a profit rather than simply provide an essential service is extremely frustrating. At this rate, even the mail service will be whittled away until everything is privatized.