I think a majority of Canadians are kind, hardworking, and want what’s best for their families, friends, neighbours, and the country.

What does a brand new political party platform look like to appeal to an overwhelming majority of Canadians?

  • ahal@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    I love this, but shouldn’t they vote as a block, but proportionally for the parties who sponsor the bill? :p

    I’d change a couple things though:

    1. Allow members to vote independently on issues not impacting PR. While shooting down all legislation might force someone’s hand, it would likely turn the party into the bad guys and possibly hold back positive change.
    2. Call the party the “Reform Party” (will sound more palatable to the right).
    3. Run on the promise that if they form government, they will enact PR, immediately call a new election. Not sure if they should disband as there are tons of other problems with our democracy than just PR.