Crossposted using Lemmit.

Original post from /r/opsec by /u/InsideAd8490 on 2023-07-06 14:22:15+00:00.

Threat model (this is a hypothetical): in a few years during Taiwan war, the US China engage in no holds barred cyberwarfare involving massive server farms running GPT5+ level AI (think 300 million John Carmacks wearing the blackest of hats) to hack military/infrastructure/corporations and have enough left over resources left over after that the AI targets me any many other private citizens because the AI found a post where I was critical of something the CCP did.  Presume full complicity any China based company, relevant where they could push an update or data with a malware payload.

What sort of security measures could reduce disruption to lifestyle for me? I have read the rules.