Crossposted using Lemmit.

Original post from /r/opsec by /u/WorldWar0 on 2023-06-16 00:05:38+00:00.

A bit of background - I currently work for a Fortune 500 company (12 years). We have roughly 80,000 employees globally and I would say somewhere around 700 IT staff. We also have a dedicated Cybersecurity/InfoSec sector of employees. I’ve been mostly handling all proxy related efforts; whitelisting, blocking, updating proxy nodes, etc. - I would be considered infrastructure/cloud, outside of the infosec/cybersecurity team. My question is this, should the management and overall daily support of the proxies fall under our infosec sector? Outside of maybe an infrastructure issue related to the proxies - whitelisting, blocking, determining if content/ssl inspection should be bypassed, etc. seems to be something that someone who has a cybersecurity acumen should be handling. I understand smaller companies may have a sys admin or someone like that handling proxies, but what about a company this size? I have read the rules