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Original post from /r/opsec by /u/Supercool_2023 on 2023-05-29 21:11:25+00:00.

I am the most concerned about governments/corporations The data that I’m trying to protect from them is Internet, traffic this includes sites visited, social media activity, and chats I have This data has value to corporations and governments because the things I do on the internet relate to what I do IRL,I don’t feel comfortable about a single corrupt gov or a exploitive business knowing more about me then most people ,and I don’t want a controversial question about a random topic to be linked back to me because someone with power doesn’t like it I would most likely not be in legal trouble if this falls but it needs to change if I am doing something that could result in legal trouble

Adversaries I could be targeted from a different government because I am a citizen (I left years ago)of that country and is worried that I could be in trouble when I go back because I say things against the government (I am not a reporter I am a just a citizen but still) I am worried about the US government because of Mr Snowden leaks on how much data is available for the NSA to look at for “ terrorist prevention” and how easy it is to know all about someone just like that regardless if they want to or not The company’s that I am most worried about is big tech and big data.The reason that I am not listing names is that there is too many to name Capabilities of adversaries My government is democratic but I feel like people in power have too much power. The measures include the ridiculous amount of spying in the patriot act.Using privacy tools is not illegal but the government/people could be suspicious of me The fourth amendment and other things protects from unreasonable and unnecessary searches but I feel they do that anyway but under “national safety”

The risks My data is under my control but they could find out about it because of things that I had to give my real name. The access to this data is though companies, some of it is on my computer, and some is on the cloud which that the government could find it. The data is at the risk of data breaches and some is public accessible and the purpose of this is for (best case) no one has access to this data but the more realistic is that that some info will be able to be collected.

The impact, if this threat model fails is that my data could be sold or other people know my personal information without my consent. The likelihood is very high that someone is trying to know what I am doing The safeguards I have in place is that I use Tor for most of my browsing . I mainly use Tor Bridges instead of a VPN. I only use VPN if Tor Bridges fails. I use tails as my main OS. I have one computer that only uses tails and one computer that uses windows (only the windows computer gets personal information).Most services that I use do not get any personal information about me that I willingly give it. (with the exception of services that I legally have to put information in example banking which go on the windows computer)

The consequences if it falls is that info that I don’t want out would be available to see (either by government or the people)

I don’t want to spend anything because of traceability but if I was going to spend money it would be cash or Manero

I am able to take medium inconvenience for anonymity but I can deal with a higher level of inconvenience, if certain circumstances require it (protest, going to a country with more surveillance)

I am somewhat tech savvy.I know basic things about OPSEC and cyber security. The tools I can use should be free and open source

(i have read the rules)