Crossposted using Lemmit.

Original post from /r/opsec by /u/Competitive_Page4011 on 2023-06-19 22:16:35+00:00.

I have read the rules.

I want to post an unlisted “form check” video of me doing an exercise that would show my face and some of my house. I am following a program on r/bodyweightfitness and don’t know anyone IRL working through the specific exercises. I would blur my face. It wouldn’t show a whole room or anything like that but the area where I do the workout necessitates showing some parts that could be identifiable on a home search site such as Zillow if someone knew my address. I would post the video on a separate account that isn’t used/related to anything else.

Are there any real consequences of this or am I being paranoid? Anything else I should do/not do?