In regards to this post (click), thought it’d be interesting to break it down by manager and then I figured it might be worth its own thread so here it is.

As you can see, Carrick is by far the best, EPL SAF barely manages to tie the absolute GOAT that is Rangnick for second. Mourinho is next best, but if First Division record for SAF is included, he goes behind Jose. Then come LVG, First Division only SAF, ETH, everyone except SAF combined, Ole, Moyes as the worst permanent manager and Giggs at the bottom

|Manager|Home Losses|Total Games|Home Games|% of total|% of home |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| Moyes|6|34|16|17.6|37.5| Giggs|1|4|3|25|33.3| LVG|5|76|38|6.5|13.1| Mou|4|93|46|4.3|8.6| Ole|13|109|55|11.9|23.6| Carrick|0|2|1|0|0| Rangnick|1|24|12|4.1|8.3| ETH|4|48|25|8.3|16| Total|34|390|196|8.7|17.3| SAF EPL|34|810|405|4.1|8.3| SAF DIV1|18|225|112|8|16| SAF Total|52|1035|517|5|10|