• Jeena@jemmy.jeena.net
    10 months ago

    I realize I’m binging a bunch of down votes on myself with the following text, that’s ok because I’m still trying to form an opinion on this topic for me.

    I always was under the impression that Antisemitism is when someone is against Jews because they’re Jews, basically like racism but against specifically Jews. But lately I see the word Antisemitism used very lightly basically if someone is dissatisfied with the actions of the state Israel then they are called Antisemitic.

    Perhaps I was misunderstanding the word, so I checked the Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism and there it’s not super clear either, but then I found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_antisemitism it appears that I indeed was wrong and that New-Antisemitism seems to be any criticism of the Israeli government.

    In this case I’m with the critics which say:

    Critics of the concept argue that it is used in practice to silence political debate and freedom of speech regarding the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict and that it trivializes the meaning of antisemitism, by conflating political anti-Zionism and criticism of the Israeli government with racism, condoning violence against Jews, or the Holocaust. Further critical arguments include the inclusion of race within legitimate criticism of Israel to be too narrow.

    When it comes to racism it’s pretty clear that if you can criticize someone for what they do without being racist, but not criticize them for what they are, because then you’re racist. On the other hand somehow criticizing a government for their actions which just so happens to be a government which governs a lot of Jews seems to be automatic antisemitism, even though the same criticism applied on other governments seems to not be seen as problematic.

    On top of the whole thing I’m also German and in Germany this phenomenon seems to be much more extrem compared to other countries. I understand that this is because of the German guilt.

    • Blizzard@lemmy.zip
      10 months ago

      An anti-Semite is not a person that doesn’t like Jews, it’s a person whom Jews don’t like 😉

      If I’m not mistaken, Palestinians are also considered Semites. That would make Israelis… anti-Semites?

      • acargitz@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        Both of the things you said are bullshit.

        1. Anti-semitism (anti-jewish racism) is real. To claim otherwise is to deny a whole history of atrocities, as well as ongoing phenomena. Random Jewish people even completely unrelated to anything to do with Israel are attacked all the time. Neofascists are using clear antisemitic tropes and dogwhistles, even when they are not straight up talking about Jewish space lasers putting fires in California.

        2. Anti-semitism is the prejudice, systemic and personal, against Jews. While etymology sometimes can clarify nuances in meaning, it is not necessarily semantically meaningful. The word “semitic” is either an entirely linguistic one (semitic languages), i.e., narrowly technical in a scientific field, or it makes reference to outdated pseudo scientific racist theories, in a list that includes things like the Aryan race and the Mediterranean race.

        Finally: bullshit like what you wrote is either perpetuated by bona fide antisemite fascists or by people who completely misguidedly think that this way they are somehow helping the Palestinian cause (they are not, in fact, they are hurting it).

    • Unsaved5831@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Germany is prone to dogmatism. There is a culture of putting things in boxes of right or wrong and then signaling it. Besides, skipping to judgement is easier than trying to unravel complications and risking being questioned in a hot seat. Spirit of being risk-averse.

        • Nobsi@feddit.de
          10 months ago

          "I always was under the impression that Antisemitism is when someone is against Jews because they’re Jews, basically like racism but against specifically Jews. But lately I see the word Antisemitism used very lightly ". What else was that supposed to mean?

          • Killing_Spark@feddit.de
            10 months ago

            "I always was under the impression that Antisemitism is when someone is against Jews because they’re Jews, basically like racism but against specifically Jews. But lately I see the word Antisemitism used very lightly ". What else was that supposed to mean?

            But lately I see the word Antisemitism used very lightly basically if someone is dissatisfied with the actions of the state Israel then they are called Antisemitic.

            Not OP but: I mean if you bothered to read the sentence you quoted to the end you’d have your question answered

            • Nobsi@feddit.de
              10 months ago

              And what is that supposed to mean? Hamas is antisemitic. The place where he sees people using the word antisemite is the same place where the Hamas is being called out.

              • Killing_Spark@feddit.de
                10 months ago

                The place where he sees people using the word antisemite is the same place where the Hamas is being called out.

                No. This is your assumption from your limited bubble. In his limited bubble there might be people calling legitimate israel critique antisemitic. You just hopped in this thread and claimed they were talking about Hamas apologetics.