This one sentence from the analysis sums it up:

Overall, the gist of his final prescriptive analysis is that: “we need our army to be a completely different, new army in order to defeat Russia.”

In addition there are a number of interesting admissions made by Ukraine’s top commander such as that time is on Russia’s side.

He also fantasizes about weapons systems which do not yet exist and scifi technology such as tunnel boring plasma bots turning the tide.

As the author of this analysis puts it: The vast majority of his proposal is wishful thinking.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    11 months ago

    “To win the war, we need weapons that don’t exist” is effectively the same statement as “we cannot win the war”.

    Every day Zelensky and Co drag this shit out it’s more dead Ukrainians and a shittier deal for Ukraine at the negotiating table. I hope ordinary Ukrainians won’t let him get away with his plan of selling out the country and flying off to a comfortable retirement in the West.