I’m finding that enjoying Google products and services on Lemmy is a hot take. Personally I use a Pixel phone and use nearly all Google services from Gmail to Keep.

  • A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I am not a eloquent or verbose person, So I’ll just give you this link as a small example into why the problem is far far more than “google bad”


    Mans child had swelling in its diaper area. Doctor requested pictures to study before virtual appointment. They took pictures and sent to the doctor.

    Google declared the man a child pornographer, and sent the police after him, while also deleting his account (Which means he lost 10+ years of emails, photos, contacts, his phone number, etc)

    Despite the doctor saying the pictures were medically necessary and requested, despite the police investigation saying there was nothing untoward happening, despite every single piece of evidence pointing that google was wrong…

    google refuses to admit it was wrong, and just keeps pushing the argument that the mans a child pornographer and wont give him his account, or his data, back.

    and when pushed about it, they dug through his entire data history to find a photo of his wife laying in bed, undressed, with…I think it was a previous child(You know, the kind of photos that almost all parents had before the digital era…), to hold up and go “AH HA, YOU ARE A CHILD PORNOGRAPHER. NO ACCOUNT FOR YOU, GOOD DAY SIR”

    The only hope anyone has to fight against this kind of abusive and recklessly carelessness is the hope that public opinion can be inflamed against them, and honestly googles so big (and has so many blind fanboy supporters), that even that doesnt really work against them anymore.

    And this is just part of the reason why Google Bad.

    Theres more arguments to be made to further fill things out, like how google has disproportionate control over the internet, and is slowly trying to lock the internet down with shit like its “Web Integrity” DRM, Where only “approved” browsers can access compliant websites. Basically to make adblocking impossible… And yes, they did technically announce they killed that project, but it shows the kind of mindset going on at google and I doubt very seriously this is the last we see of such things.