disclaimer: I am not a follower of MLM or anything associated with the Shining path. I am a Marxist Leninist.

I’ve seen lots of joking with some good critique lined up, but never anything satisfying to me? Thats the wrong word but i mean something around that.

  • DesiDebugger@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Here’s the one I have: the shining path discredited the idea of a revolutionary socialist movement in a society that desperately needs one. The thing about the shining path manifesto is it reads like a parody of what a Imperialist shill thinks communism is. And after Gonzalo was out of the picture the movement declined repidly(Don’t get me wrong, Fujimori and his ilk are among the worst murderous neoliberal sellout ghouls imaginable.) Revolutionary movements should be last because they are supported by the masses not because their cult leader was captured. A good example of a revolutionary movement gone correctly for example os Bolivia right next door and MAS. When Evo got taken out of the picture by the coup the movement survived because it was built among the masses and they were able to struggle against the neoliberal regime and win their freedom.

    I’d recommend BadEmpenada’s video on the shining path for more details he goes into far more detail than I can here.

    • RT Redréovič@feddit.ch
      10 months ago

      If you are done with the Cherrypicking. I will let you know that Gonzalo was not the only leader captured. The entire central committee was arrested. This is a massive strategic setback for any organization.

    • BacheRate@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      Its why I don’t consider myself a MLM. I can’t. Though I’d follow along Mao Zedong thought once I’ve read up on his works though I don’t know if its enough to turn me into a Maoist.

    • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      To be fair, haven’t multiple communist movements been dismantled after their leaders were captured/killed? I agree a strong movement can fight back after regrouping, but I’m not sure its always true. Though this doesn’t diminish Gonzalo’s evil.

      • DesiDebugger@lemmygrad.ml
        10 months ago

        Usually the leaders capture is the symptom of the dismantling of a movement not it’s direct cause. The shining path was utterly dependent on Gonzalo to function.

      • RT Redréovič@feddit.ch
        10 months ago

        That is a decent article. I disagree on a few points but I will look into them later. (If you read the PCP documents, you may come across the disagreements I am talking about.) I suggest reading the Nepali and Indian Maoist Comrades documents regarding this topic as well. There is no single piece talking specifically about this so you will have to read a bunch of papers to get some paragraphs talking about it. They are available on Bannedthought. (Use VPN/Tor if you reside in India, Philippines or China.)

        If you are aware about the ICL (International Communist League), you can also read its statements and the criticisms regarding it. (Available on Bannedthought) The ICL is a primarily Gonzaloite “Communist International” and they have been criticized by the CPI(M) and the RCPN on many points which I suggest giving a read as well.

        I suggest reading the documents published by the PCP first to get a proper overall idea instead of reading the criticisms first.

        And I will assert here that a fair criticism must be made. The PCP certainly had many errors and these have been talked about by the Nepali Maoists and the CPI(M) however bad faith and logically fallacious slandering as done by a few individuals in this thread has a very negative effect.

        Edit 1: I will edit and append links to documents which specifically talk about criticisms of the PCP if I come across them later.

  • Valbrandur@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Mandatory reminder that Shining Path has been deliverately targeting and committing massacres against LGBT+ peoples throughout its history - As late as 2021.

    Also the MRTA doesn’t get nearly enough shit for doing the same as well.

    • RT Redréovič@feddit.ch
      10 months ago

      If you researched enough, you would know that the organization responsible for that attack is the MPCP not the PCP, as mentioned in your own shared article.

      • Valbrandur@lemmygrad.ml
        10 months ago


        The MPCP is a group that splintered from the PCP taking most of its members with itself, and the only reason it exists as such is because they saw the PCP agreeing on a ceasefire with the Peruvian state after Gonzalo’s capture as an act of treason from his part. On everything but in name, they are the PCP. Nonetheless, that still doesn’t take away the fact that the PCP prior to its split had consistently committed massacres against LGBT peoples through most of its history.

        Also, why are you reviving a dead thread?

        • RT Redréovič@feddit.ch
          10 months ago

          The MPCP is a group that splintered from the PCP taking most of its members with itself,

          It is evident that your only knowledge about the group is surface level Wikipedia reading because this is just a blatant lie you took word by word from Wikipedia. The MPCP consists of ex-PAF and that is also written in there if you bothered to read it carefully.

          and the only reason it exists as such is because they saw the PCP agreeing on a ceasefire with the Peruvian state after Gonzalo’s capture as an act of treason from his part.

          The ceasefire was a fabrication by the Peruvian Fascist State. Guzman proved it in his call to arms while being displayed inside a cage to the media.

          On everything but in name, they are the PCP.

          This shows that you do not know anything about the PCP General Political Line or even its history. This is evident by you comparing a proletarian vanguard which waged a People’s War and almost brought the Peruvian State to its knees to a Government Propped up Drug Trafficking Organization. I find it baffling as to what equation you are trying to draw here by just saying the opposite in the previous part. “They splintered off because they had a major disagreement, but they are the same party now because yeah.” Is this not a false analogy and strawman of Maoists? No Maoist upholds the MPCP.

          Nonetheless, that still doesn’t take away the fact that the PCP prior to its split had consistently committed massacres against LGBT peoples through most of its history.

          There is no evidence for this. While in fact, the PCP clearly said that they never targetted LGBTQ individuals/groups just because of their identity as such.

          Also, why are you reviving a dead thread?

          This shows your disinterest and unseriousness in Proletarian Politics and in developing an anti-revisionist knowledge of history. You are treating this as something like a game. Yes, it has been an inactive thread for 3 weeks but you are posting misinformation that will permanently be here. Sorry, but my conscience cannot let you do that.

          • Valbrandur@lemmygrad.ml
            10 months ago

            This shows your disinterest and unseriousness


            You are treating this as something like a game.

            The fate of the proletariat’s liberation rests on the outcome of a thread on a reddit copycat.

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    I spoke to many Peruvians regarding the Miraflores massacre and it did not sound like bourgeois propaganda (as Maoists like to claim) to me.

    I identified as a Maoist as the time. The people I spoke to were usually sympathetic to leftism.

    My tour guide who has lived in the area his entire life identified as a “social nationalist” (not a “national socialist”, a socialist and Peruvian nationalist) and he said he respected me for my revolutionary anti-imperialist worldview. He called the Shining Path cowards, fools, terrorists, and hypocrites, claiming they stand for indigenous rights while constantly using them as human shields.

    I am aware that one person’s “terrorist” is another person’s freedom fighter. The PCP is hated by almost everyone in Peru. Peasants. Other communists. Many indigenous groups. Their idea of “revolutionary violence” included murdering leftists, unionists, and indigenous rights activists that they disagree with.

    May Gonzalo burn in hell. He was no revolutionary. He was a petit-bourgeois cult leader willing to send anyone and everyone to their fucking death while he was kicking back and writing “theory” that included little more than narcissistic ramblings about his own brilliance.

    I spit on the “Fourth Sword of Communism”. As for the rest of the guerillas in the party, I am sure many are well-intentioned and there is no denying that Peru is controlled by little more than a fascist led U.S.-comprador state that deserves all the violence it can get.

    Not peasants. Not the indigenous. Not other communists. Not random fucking people in the middle of Lima.

    • RT Redréovič@feddit.ch
      10 months ago

      Whatever you have claimed here is anecdotal rubbish and has no value to any serious researcher. Revolution is not a dinner party and making humanist allegations is the last thing a so called communist should do. If you ever bothered to research the trial of Gonzalo you would know that there was no not a single shred of evidence of the PCP being responsible for the Tarata Bombing.

      • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
        10 months ago

        Revolution is not a dinner party

        Don’t patronize me, LARPer. Sendero Luminoso admitted to the act and claimed it was a mistake.

        The Terror - revolutionary terror, that is – looks like the proletariat placing its boot on the throat of the bourgeoisie. Not petit-bourgeois radicals and disaffected intelligentsia coercing young revolutionaries to murder proletarians while they kick back drinking beer and watching futbol.

        …the last thing a so-called communist should do.

        As opposed, of course, to massacring peasant groups who collectively decided they’d rather pursue different policy than what Sendero Luminoso commanded they pursued from on high.

        Remain aware that you have chosen one of the least popular communist parties in the world to defend so vigorously. The Bolsheviks and the CPC inspired revolutionary peoples’ movements the world over. The RIM groups inspire little more than more-revolutionary-than-thou social clubs and terroristic cults that do shit like put pig heads on spikes or worship guys named Bob.

        • RT Redréovič@feddit.ch
          10 months ago

          Don’t patronize me, LARPer. Sendero Luminoso admitted to the act and claimed it was a mistake.

          Firstly, you don’t really deserve a serious reply because you are again showing that you are incapable of a good faith argument. Secondly, you are unable to say the correct name of the party and are instead parroting the Fujimorite term to appeal to Earth knows what. The PCP never ‘admitted’ to the Tarata Bombing. Guzman repeatedly maintained in court that they had no responsibility for it and there was no evidence showing that they did it. If you cared about facts, you would know that unaffiliated rogue militias, adventurists and the PAF committed most of these terror acts. These are talked about in many old news reports from Peru.

          The Terror - revolutionary terror, that is – looks like the proletariat placing its boot on the throat of the bourgeoisie. Not petit-bourgeois radicals and disaffected intelligentsia coercing young revolutionaries to murder proletarians while they kick back drinking beer and watching futbol.

          Fallacy of Appeal to Emotion. This is a emotionally charged word salad and has no value…

          As opposed, of course, to massacring peasant groups who collectively decided they’d rather pursue different policy than what Sendero Luminoso commanded they pursued from on high.

          So you are justifying Humanism? Great and expected. I however do not support Fascist State Collaborator groups whom you are falsely terming here as ‘peasants’.

          Remain aware that you have chosen one of the least popular communist parties in the world to defend so vigorously.

          Irrelevant. I have chosen to criticize and debunk misinformation spreaders and you are one of them. If you have chosen to ‘defend’ some organization with popularity as a reason then it is clear to me that you are not a serious candidate for discourse. You are just here to troll, spread misinformation and waste time.

          The Bolsheviks and the CPC inspired revolutionary peoples’ movements the world over.

          No disagreement.

          The RIM groups inspire little more than more-revolutionary-than-thou social clubs and terroristic cults that do shit like put pig heads on spikes or worship guys named Bob.

          This paragraph alone shouts out the high level of ignorance you have accepted as your dogma which makes you write out statements which are grounded more on Emotional Gibberish than actual serious political thought and philosophy.

          You don’t know the proper history of the RIM or any other Maoist Parties engaged in a People’s Protracted War against their fascist regimes so it is easy for you to claim that Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organizations support Bob Avakian, the cultish revisionist. Because if you ever bothered to read the many criticisms of RIM by Maoists in Nepal or even in my country - India, after the Avakianite takeover, you would know that this is not the case.

          Additionally, this disgusting racially charged comment you made here is highly exemplary of your upbringing in ignorance and privilege. To claim that the revolutionary and the progressive democratic groups who are mostly concentrated in the Third World and are struggling to make ends meet and always have fascist persecution at their doorstep, are mere Social Clubs and Terroristic Cults is such a filthy position to have; it just disappoints me. I would not be surprised to know if you are a cracker.