
  • You can open the private clipboard (EJClip) from the side menu.
  • You can delete all clips from the private clipboard. You can find the functionality in the context menu located on the page where the clips are displayed.
  • You can see the queue of files being sent by selecting the corresponding item from the side menu.
  • To unclutter the notification area, when receiving multiple files only the notification about the last successfully received file will be visible.
  • New setting to preserve the date of an incoming file.
  • New quick settings tile for send public clipboard to enabled trusted devices.
  • Fixed an issue that could affect the detection of the status of temporary devices.
  • It has been changed how it sets UPnP (direct internet connection).
  • It has been changed how the various components of the program communicate with each other.
  • Changes due to Android 13 targeting.
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements.

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