• shalafi@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Republicans hate government, and it’s easy to understand. Think on this; Who would you likely find more frustrating to deal with? Government or a business?

    Private enterprise will often bend the rules to make customers happy. Government doesn’t do that, can’t do that. They have laws to abide by, no matter who it pisses off.

    Conservatives see “following the rules” as an encroachment on their freedom. For example; I just got back from getting our marriage certificate. What business is my marriage to the government? Why I gotta pay $86 and fill out a bunch of paperwork, in person? Sure feels like I’m “applying” for permission to marry the women I love.

    I might talk a bank manager into reversing an overdraft fee, but there is ZERO chance of getting such a concession from a government office.

    So I get the feeling, but they’re conflating two very different groups with very different purposes.

    Ever heard 'em say government should be run like business? The frustration and ignorance regarding those two things is why they think that.