• Bookmyner@bookwormstory.social
    11 months ago

    I did say that Ahrensbach should be reduced to nothing. It would serve as an ideal playground for you. - Ferdinand

    Does Ferdinand assume that Rozemyne will literally destroy Ahrensbach with her chaotic ways? Or is this a figurative way of saying Ahrensbach will no longer exist as it currently does after Rozemyne changes how the duchy is run? Perhaps a little bit of both?

  • ludrol@bookwormstory.socialM
    11 months ago

    So achrensbach will become a hasse 2.0. So Lanzanave has fallen to the great might of winter and bad weather. Napoleon will know something about that. I wonder how Hertmut will react to RGB infused cape.

    When did Sylvester perform a protection for citizens? I can’t quite recall what happened.

    • Bookmyner@bookwormstory.social
      11 months ago

      It was back in P2V3 (Ambush). It wasn’t explained very much:

      Sylvester swung his shining wand over the forest and sent a large red bird flying away from him. I watched on, thinking it looked a lot like a phoenix, and saw it spread its wings wide before seemingly melting into thin air. A transparent red wall seemed to appear from where the bird had spread its wings. Then, a yellow, equally large bird shot out of his wand as well, spinning in the air while crumbling and sending shining powder raining down beneath it.

      • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
        11 months ago

        He did later say something about strengthening the border barrier just in time, so with what we just learned, we can safely assume that this was, what the red bird did.

  • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
    11 months ago

    Why does Ferdinand have to be the way he is? Why does he have to say or do stuff so crual to the very people who love and help him, that it just makes me want to either grab his shoulders and shacke some sense into him, or outright punch him in the face? And how can people ship Rozemyne with him? Even without the age difference, he is outright manipulative and at time even abusive to her. She deserves better.

    Rozemyne just literally saved his life and is now taking HIS comfort into account when deciding HER future… and what is his reaction? He intentionally hurts her! Please Kazuki sensei, I beg you: Either stop making him do that, or have Rozemyne slap him hard the next time he does it! Preferably the latter, so he can finally learn a lesson.

          • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
            11 months ago

            So if you were reunited with someone and so overjoyed that in the heat of the moment, you blurted out “I’m so happy to see you, I’ll let you do whatever you like” and that person started stabbing a screwdriver through your hands, you’d just be “Oh well, I did say they could do anything they like, so nothing I can do about it. That’s just how concent works”? oO

    • poltroon@bookwormstory.social
      11 months ago

      I don’t really see him as being intentionally cruel to her, especially once he came to know her at all. I think he is often clueless at her and doesn’t always explain himself well. Sometimes he has been harsh when he thinks that protects her.

      She is also sometimes the same right back.

      They share a love for books and research and knowledge and enjoy simply being in each other’s company.

      They have protected each other and know inner secrets about each other that no one else knows. This has created a (non-sexual) intimacy in their relationship. In a world where adult men and women aren’t allowed to be close friends, it is a challenge to find a path where they keep this where they aren’t officially paired off. Thank goodness we don’t live in a world like that ourselves, any longer anyway.

      Normally I would squick about the age difference and worse the mentor/student relationship but it helps that (a) Rozemyne is actually older than him if you count both lives and (b) Ferdinand has never shown any romantic overtures at any time to anyone during the story. Also, at this time she actually has power over him in multiple dimensions. She literally has his life in her hands and she was urged by a god and even Ferdinand himself to kill him so she would receive the full book of Meistionora. And she now outranks him politically and socially, and has plenty of alternatives for partners if she will so choose.

  • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
    11 months ago

    I think Ferdinand has too complicated a mind. Instead of summoning winter and all that, my first step to take the last remaining silver ship, would have been to ask the Dunkelfelger knights who successfully took the other ship how they did it, or just have them come over and tell them to repeate what they did with the other ship.

    Alternatively they could have the two squads with them fish some debris of the sunk ship out of the water and use that as make-shift shields against the silver needles. Those needles go through any mana-based defense, but something called a needle will surely have too little momentum to punch through planking of an ocean-going vessel. And then once they are on deck, form a sort of shield wall around them, covering any angle from which one of the launchers might attack them and force open a hatch. If the Dunkelfelger knights could get inside the other ship, there must be some kind of entrance that pure (magically enhanced) muscle power can pry open.

    Or, knowing exactly were on the ships the cells are, they could have just gone back to dropping boulders. If they use smaller rocks, they could guarantee that they’d only smash the turrets, but won’t punch all the way through the ships and out the bottom. Or they could drop just a single big boulder on the middle of the ship. A single hole should make the ship sink only slowly, so they have plenty of time to cast he Aub’s protection on the captives. Then follow it up with firing a concentrated blast - like the one that destroyed the other ship - into the hole. WIth the mana blocking tiles being on the outside, this will almost asuredly make the ship come apart from the inside. And if by some miracle, the silver tiles will turn the shockwave back, that will only make it bounce around inside the hull in chaotic fashion, blasting it’s inside apart and turning it into a chaotic hellstorm of flying shrapnes, that will shred anyone to pieces, who isn’t protected by Rozemyne.

    I guess the chance to show off Rozemyne to the Ahrensbach nobles has some merit in it’s own way, but I question whether that alone was worth the risk and delay. The whole plan was based on the guess that the silver metal would contract in the cold, which is a double guess. First off all Rozemyne can’t even know for sure, that metal in her new world works like it does in her previous one and she doesn’t even know for sure whether the silver material is metal in the first place. Imagine if they went to all those length, only for the silver ship to sit there, chilled, but otherwise completely undamaged. I guess it would still have blocked the needle launchers for a few minutes, but a few rocks, or bits of the sunken ship dropped from great enough height could have done the same faster and with less mana and materiel expenditure.

    I also think that either Kazuki sensei, or Quof got a bit lost in the way communications work in the story, when either of them had Strahl respond with an “uh” via Ordonnanz. That is something that might happen over a radio transmission, but there’s no way that Strahl would record just uh, then tap the bird with his schtappe, fill it with mana and give it the mental instruction to fly to Ferdinand, no matter how flabberghasted he was.