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Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • We don’t have the details, but we were given a vague explanation of it being a battle of wills of sort, where the interrogator has to force the criminal to show a memory, while the criminal can try to some something useless instead. While it was not mentioned, I would suppose that having more mana would give one an advantage, whether you are in the interrogating or defending position.

    That it’s possible for the interrogator to guide the memory search to some degree at least is also clear from the fact that it’s possible to “interrogate” corpses, or just detached heads, albeit we were told that the memories from corpses are difficult to access and most often fragmented.

  • I’m not surprised about Ferdinand choosing to look into Alstede’s memories over Detlinde. Acidity of personality aside, I’d also expect Alstede to know better. Alstede is a diligent person and was the one who actually dyed the foundation, while Detlinde is often too arrogant to recognize the gaps in (or complete lack of) knowledge and shirked that duty to her sister. If anyone had the complete knowledge, it’d be the older sister, even if Detlinde could be trusted, wasn’t layered in such unpleasant memories for Ferdinand and wasn’t so unpleasant a person. With Alstede being a rather meek person, she also probably had less resistence to the mental interrogation.

    I wonder who they’ll make the knight’s commander. Cornelius is a bit young, but definitely can be trusted by Rozemyne and Ferdinand and has the support of his soon-to-be wife Leonore, who complements his skillset quite nicely with her own. Eckhart could be trusted even more by Ferdinand due to being namesworn, but his personality and propensity to extreme actions at a moment’s notice and disregard of anything that isn’t Ferdinand’s will don’t strike me as ideal for the job. Strahl already has experience on the job and would know the former Ahrensbach nobles and the lay of the land better than the two Ehrenfest boys, but would also be least familiar with either Rozemyne’s or Ferdinand’s way to do things and despite having amply demonstrated his allegiance and loyalty, is still less trustworthy than Rozemyne’s brothers. I suppose with two former Ehrenfest nobles in charge of the duchy, putting a local, rather than yet another Ehrenfester on the top of the knight’s order would probably be a good political move, to keep the other nobles mollified.

    The execution magic was already scary and horrific enough without knowing the full details, but assuming the gods grant the request, even the souls of those executed are affected…

  • I really don’t think he’d let her keep his name as a shield against the gods. If anything, I’d say your reasoning is backwards: If Ferdinand had his name returned, the Gods would have all the more reason to keep Rozemyne alive, since her dying and taking Eglantine with her would mean that Ferdinand would be the only Zent candidate, which is definitely something they would not want to happen, while there aren’t any new ones. And in the long run, once there are new Zent candidates, Rozemyne having Ferdinand’s name might even become a liability, since the gods can now have a second attack route at him, through Rozemyne.

    I think him letting her keep his name is his well hidden sentimental and vulnerable side having a little peek through the layers of masks he puts up all the time.

  • It could be that she didn’t know either, which is surely a very rare, and likely embaressing thing to happen to the literal goddess of wisdom. Or maybe a bit of guilt is setting in for teating her most devout follower so badly, just to get back at that other guy.

    If feel like if she knew a way, she would probably have teased Ferdinand some more, and then probably told him for Myne’s sake.

    Then again… considering how regular noble culture works, drinking synchronization potions and using the memory searching magic tool for reasons other than criminal investigation, would probably be a very scandalous thing, so maybe she couldn’t quite bring herself to tell him that solution.

  • Lestilaut is the next Aub Dunkelfelger, there’s no way he’s going to became even a first husband to an archduchess, much less second or third.

    Hildebrand can still circle the small shrines, since they are specifically made for people not omni-elemental. The question is, whether the small shrines have a similar effect on the schtappe as the large shrines do. Because if they do, getting the feystone from all 84 shrines to the subordinate gods should boost his schtappe’s capacity quite considerably.

    He also knows at least a little ancient language, so it’s not out of the question they might have him help in the underground archive, and allow him to visit the smaller shrines in exchange, even before enrolling at the academy. Assuming they still need to translate anything from the underground archive. With the magic tool Grutrissheit being written out on 300 pages of physical paper, I doubt it would also contain the full knowledge of all dead royals, archnobles and high-capacity mednobles, plus potentially a couple of devouring commoners since the beginning of the country, so keeping up the translating efforts seems sensible. At least until Eglantine can finish getting a true Grutrissheit herself, as she swore.

    But what’s going to happen to Letizia now? Since she’s no longer absolutely needed in not-anymore-Ahrensbach, she could return to her family, if Aub Drewanchel allows it. Alternatively Rozemyne and Ferdinand could adopt her I suppose, but with her having a normal archduke candidate mana capacity, if Rozemyne ever has a child, male or female, chances are, that child will have a considerably higher capacity and thus be near guaranteed to become the successor.

    I guess if Letizia and Hildebrand’s engagement was not written out in terms of positions like Adolphine’s engagement was, she could marry into Werkestock and become Hildebrand’s first wife over there. With Hildebrand being the only one of Trauerqual’s children who isn’t an Aub somewhere else, he’s the default choice to succeed his father as Aub Werkeshock, even if his schtappe can’t be fixed, unless Trauerqual adopts someone. But with the kind of wringer the boy was put through already, Trauerqual is probably a least a bit reluctant to take yet something else away from him.

    I suppose with the next book series turning around Hannelore, there’s always the chance she will marry into Werkestock to become Hildebrand’s first wife… though I’m still holding out a little hope that she’ll somehow be able to marry Wilfried, as she seemed quite happy to do, until their brief engagement was quickly voided again. It’ll be a hard sell for the only daughter of Aub Dunkelfelger and his first wife to marry someone who won’t become an Aub, but it’s not entirely impossible.

  • There’s one thing that’s been going through my head recently. As an archduchess, Rozemyne is expected to have three husbands. Granted with the mana monster Ferdinand as her almost asured first husband, there’s probably less need for multiple husbands than for the average archduchess, but it’d still be a sensible idea.

    On a different note, we learned that by Sigiswald no longer being the crown prince, the contract with Adolphine was broken, since she was married to the successor of the throne.

    If we look at Hildebrand’s engagement with Letizia the same way, wouldn’t that contract also be in violation? It was meant to marry the third prince down to the Aub Ahrensbach following the interrim Aub.

    But Hildebrand is now an archduke candidate, not a prince, Ahrensbach will soon not exist anymore, since it’ll be Alexandria and the archduchess following the interrim is Rozemyne, not Letizia.

    So where does that leave Hildebrand? Does he still have to marry Letizia, does “he have” to marry Rozemyne (as a second husband probably) or is the whole engagement voided and he’ll get new choices (or rather Trauerqual gets the choices, since it’s usually the parents who decide) for marriage?

    With Hildebrand starting mana compression unusually early, I’d say he might still have a small chance to get into mana-sensing range with Rozemyne, even if that’s going to cause troubles with his insufficient schtappe, but that’ll probably happen either way, unless praying at the small shrines helps the schtappe in a similar way that the large shrines did for Rozemyne’s schtappe.

  • What’s up with the names of the fishermen? Ankh is clearly an Egyptian theme, which is fitting considering Alexandria is also in Egypt, Sekt could be either the German word for sparkling wine or come from Set/Sutekh/Seth or Sekhmet/Sachmet, both of which are Egyptian deities. But then there’s Furt, which is the German word for ford, and Fina, which is a female first name in German speaking countries. I can’t think of any Egyptian origin for either name. And I have no clue what Jiffy might be from… apart from the English “I’ll be done in a jiffy” phrase.

    So Ahrensbach’s lower city is actually physically lower than their noble’s quarter. ^^

  • I guess the people who already called for Eglantine to become Zent, after Rozemyne’s accidental graduation blessing, must feel very vindicated right now. And even if they somehow learn it was Rozemyne, not the gods who made that blessing… as the divine avatar, it’d still be kind of from the gods in their eyes anyway.

    I am quite surprised to read that Lestilaut is going to marry an Archnoble. I assumed that for someone from a greater duchy - and the successor to the Aub in particular - it’d pretty much par for the course to marry another archduke candidate, at least as their first wife/husband. Then again Lestilaut needs a specific kind of woman, to keep his artistic outbursts under some kind of control, so maybe his parents were afraid, a non-dunkelfelgerian woman might lack the forcefulness and fortitude to keep their son in check. ^^