I’ve never used one but it struck me as odd that people would use a seperate device for smth so easily done on your phone.

Is there smth special about the hardware? Is it better somehow?

  • thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    At the risk of making it sound like a cult, I didn’t understand either until I got one (although in my case, I didn’t understand why people would want one instead of an actual book, not instead of a phone).

    Honestly it’s really handy. Super lightweight so I don’t get a wrist pain from holding it up at an awkward angle. Battery lasts for months so I can just pick it up and throw it in a bag for a holiday and never think about it. All of my books neatly organised. No notifications interrupting like you would end up with on a phone. Much bigger screen than a phone despite being much lighter, so more text on one page. All of that on top of the reduced eye strain, it’s a no-brainer for me.

    I have one of the backlit, touchscreen ones these days and the light is useful I keep it on warm light and the dimmest possible for use at night. But I have to admit the older version with the side buttons was better than the touchscreen, I often find myself accidentally skipping pages with the newer one.

    • girl@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Lack of notifications and other distracting apps is a big reason I prefer my ebook over reading on my phone. I have pretty bad ADHD, if what I’m reading doesn’t have me hyperfocused I’ll switch over to another app completely unconsciously.

      Reading in the dark is the main reason I prefer my ebook over an actual book. It’s so easy to keep reading after my husband goes to sleep. Mine is old enough to have a power button, but they stupidly put it on the bottom edge so I frequently click it and turn my book off lol

    • testgoatpleaseignore@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      I’m with you. Years ago now I got one and was blown away. I had hundreds and hundreds of paper novels and thought id never ever want to read on a screen, now I only have about 10 special books, and have moved exclusively to ereader (and audiobooks…).

      The screen is better than paper. It lasts for months on a charge. It can carry thousands and thousands of books. I can use it in the dark without bothering anyone else with the light.

      The only downside is, of course, in the event of The Apocalypse, I may not have electricity. But even that is mitigated by having a couple of solar powered usb chargers :)

      Mitigated, not solved completely. Hopefully society rebuilds before the solar chargers die?

    • RandomDent@literature.cafe
      10 months ago

      I was the same, I didn’t really see the point of them until I tried out my sister’s eBook reader. Then I was sold!

      Also, while I still prefer physical books, I can’t deny that it’s nice to just be able to carry my entire library around in a bag.