These are my predictions on Microsoft’s plans for (end-user) Windows. I’m not affiliated with Microsoft, but have been working in Windows administration and customer support for the past 4 years and kept up to date with the developer channels. All of these are just my opinions, so don’t bother asking for a source.

  • Windows setup will work like a browser with an attached account. You buy a new computer, log in with your Microsoft account, and it pulls all apps and settings from your previous installation.
  • Multiple configurations are possible on one computer, so you can just log into your Windows setup on any supported device.
  • The OS needs to be activated online to work.
  • Software “installation” will be through the Microsoft store only.
  • Most apps will be web-based and not actually installed on your PC.
  • Most end-user PC’s in the US will be locked down to only boot Windows and subsidized by Microsoft.
  • Windows will cost a monthly fee, similar to how you can buy a subsidized phone when you sign up for a proivder’s contract.
  • A cheaper or free plan with reduced functionality and included ads will be available, as well as a higher-tier plan that includes full M365.
  • Control Panel will finally be gone.

I think they had planned to be much further along with this in Windows 11, leading to the famous quote that Windows 10 will be the last numbered version. They won’t make it for Windows 12 either, but I’m pretty sure that this development will be finalized after Windows 12 support runs out, avoiding the version number 13.

What are your thoughts?