Seriously I’m so confused on this. The USA has a 2 party system. You either vote for Biden or you get Trump. Abstaining from the vote you get Trump. MAGA will have a 100% turnout for their God Emperor.

Trump supports Israel 100%. Again, by not voting for Biden the reality is you’re voting for Trump who is even more supportive of Israel and will also attempt to upend democracy in the west.

You don’t have any options here that support Palestine. The reality of the situation is you either get Biden or Trump and the latter is infinitely worse for the ideal you’re trying to uphold by abstaining. That’s how politics work in the US. You might not like it, it sucks, but unfortunately that’s just the way things work.


    11 months ago

    nothing to do about it now. congress has continually eroded its own power in order to avoid hard decisions that might cost them their next election. the have concentrated almost all the power in the executive branch, and i don’t see that changing. in fact, if they could create a department of impeachment and place it under the executive i think they would.