• spaceghoti@lemmy.one
    11 months ago

    I agree, Democrats are not doing enough to end our corporate mindset and push the needle back toward the common good. But that’s not the same as doing nothing. Biden’s policies have been far more progressive than Obama’s, and Obama’s were more progressive than Clinton’s. AOC’s “the Squad” have increased their numbers (they’re still a tiny minority, but they’re growing) and the more we elect people like them the more traction we’ll see for progressive policy.

    I’m sorry we can’t just turn the ship around on a dime. Our government wasn’t broken all at once, and it won’t be fixed any quicker. It’s going to take time, patience, and persistence before we see the changes we demand, and undermining the only faction willing to be reformed isn’t going to help those efforts. Criticize, yes, but make those criticisms based on factual, verifiable criticisms. “Biden is old” doesn’t help us, not as long as Biden is still willing to listen to us (and he has!) and adjust his policy for the better.

    We’re never going to have the perfect candidate, one we align with 100%. I didn’t think Biden was going to be anything more than a corporate shill when he took office. But he’s pleasantly surprised me, and I think he’s more than earned the benefit of the doubt.

    • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I am watching as fascism is taking over America, and Democrats are in fact doing nothing to stop it. No, we are not doing anything close to what we need to be doing.

      When the other side is snakes, I expect to have some snake wranglers in charge

      • spaceghoti@lemmy.one
        11 months ago

        I am watching as fascism is taking over America, and Democrats are in fact doing nothing to stop it.

        You what? Do you only have access to Fox News, or something?

        • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          You are intentionally misreading what I’m saying. I specifically said what has he done to stop the creep of fascism that the GOP is engaging in right now, because it’s quite possible we lose the next election, and fascism takes over America, and Democrats did not do what they needed to do to smother it in the crib.

          • spaceghoti@lemmy.one
            11 months ago

            So every time they opposed Republican attempts to install fascism but failed because they didn’t have the power, because we didn’t vote for them to enable them to control policy, that’s their fault? Seriously? People keep saying Democrats have a messaging problem and I agree, but no one ever seems to acknowledge that the reason Republicans have the advantage in messaging is because they’ve got dedicated media organizations tipping the scales in their favor and bombarding the public with pro-Republican disinformation. No private, independent organization has done the same for Democrats, and it would be illegal for them to spend campaign money to create one.

            So please, tell me what they could have done differently with the information they had at the time.

            • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              I don’t exactly see where Republicans are failing at instituting their fascism right now. They’re successful in every single state in which Republicans hold power, where one election away from completely losing our democracy. So, yes, what other choice do we have than to rely on Democrats in power to stop them? We have no other choice.

              • spaceghoti@lemmy.one
                11 months ago

                Would they be successful if we were consistently getting out the vote to deny them majority control? Would they be successful if we were actively participating in primaries to put forward more progressive candidates? How do you justify blaming Democrats for not doing enough to block Republicans when voters keep enabling Republican majorities? How are we not reaping the consequences of our voting patterns?

                • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  I’m going to give you a real example as someone who lives in West Virginia. Let’s take the 2020 primary season.

                  I tried to vote for Bernie Sanders. I did vote for him in the end, but my vote did not matter because by the time the primary had already rolled around to my state, Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the race. That can only happen because we don’t have same day primaries all throughout the country. We allow for this fundraising attrition to let the capitalists pick who our candidate is.

                  So, whatever, we still have a chance at a Democrat, so I go to vote on Election Day in the general election. Here’s the problem. I live in Ruby Red West Virginia, so my vote actually does not matter. I can’t swing things in Biden’s favor. I sure did vote for him, but it’s not like my vote was goning to matter. It doesn’t matter how many Republicans vote because there are always going to be enough of them to a voted for Trump. So where did I get any say in the Democratic process in this entire exchange?

                  But much like one of the other posters in this thread, not you, you’ve been quite pleasant, by the way, he just doesn’t see states like West Virginia as a mattering whatsoever. Democrats don’t see West Virginia as a mattering whatsoever.

                  And then we wonder why so many people feel disenfranchised and apathetic. It feels like there’s absolutely nothing I can do to affect the country based on my geography.

                  • spaceghoti@lemmy.one
                    11 months ago

                    Is it because there aren’t as many Democrats voting in West Virginia, or because Democrats have given up voting in West Virginia? It’s a chicken-or-the-egg problem: if West Virginia is a reliably Republican-voting state, should the DNC spend money to sway elections there when they could focus more on swing states?

                    Now, a case can (and should) be made that the DNC should focus more on grassroots level elections. They should do what Republicans did and focus more on local and regional elections rather than primarily national level elections. Obama bucked the DNC’s policies and ran a fifty-state campaign, and that helped him win. But – and I feel this is where the disconnect probably lies – the DNC is not the Democratic Party. The DNC is the fundraising and electoral strategy arm of the Democratic Party. Disagreeing with their electoral strategies should not put the blame on the entire Democratic Party for not doing their part to block the rise of fascism.

                    The DNC doesn’t have unlimited funds. For some odd reason, they don’t typically get quite as much money from corporate interests as Republicans. They don’t have as many dedicated donors as Republicans. Because Democrats still believe in a government for the people and by the people, which means taxing people who have more to help people who have less. So they have to decide how to best spend that money for the greatest effect. If that isn’t enough for you to go out and vote, even though you live in a state dominated by Republicans, then I don’t know what to tell you. If you’re not willing to do your part, I’m not willing to listen to your complaints about how not enough is being done for you.