I don’t understand how anyone thinks an 81 year old person should be leader of a nation. And will they ever produce good stuff instead of what they’ve been trying and failing to do for so many years and it hurts the people.

When will they help the citizens instead of funding the military and fancy projects that waste money, cutting taxes for billionaires and raising them for the poor, cut social security, cut medicare, cut this, cut that, more money to the military.

So messed up.

I don’t know good places to find accurate news.

  • cmbabul@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    So I’m not in disagreement with you that it’s clear the project has at some point gone off the rails, and it might sound easier to just wipe the slate clean and start over. But there is no way that happens without a revolution or civil war either preceding of following that attempt, and that won’t even guarantee we get something good.

    We’re in an extremely tight spot. Things must change drastically and quickly to avoid catastrophe but unless we’re really really careful we’ll end up in a somehow worse situation than even currently