Calc’c elisp functions (imho) all have the prefix calcFunc-. So in order to use a calc function like vlen in an org table lisp formula, one could use calcFunc-vlen. That’s nice.

What bothers me is the lack of “on-line” documentation (i.e. usable with eldoc or completion frameworks).

All calc functions are nicely documented here: , thats good.

It is possible to modify a elisp’s function documentation. e.g. like so:

(put 'calcFunc-vlen 'function-documentation
     "Computes the length of a vector.
The length of a non-vector is considered to be zero.
Note that matrices are just vectors of vectors for the purposes of this command.")

Now calcFunc-vlen would have a nice “on-line” documentation, usable with C-h f, autocompletion and eldoc.

Has anyone already bothered to gather some of those strings from the manual, in a more machine processable form? So I could save some work to create “on-line” documentation of the calc functions?

  • Ok_Advisor1053@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    You can use the helpful library, which puts links to the calc manual in the function documentation, among other things. What you call online documentation is just the package manual.